GG7's Indoor/Outdoor Grows! - HomeMade Clearex

Goldengoose7;1361271 said:
HomeMade Clearex Recipe!
Make Your Own Flushing Solution for Pennies on the Dollar!

I have posted this recipe on a few other journals and threads around here, but I have never made an official post in my own journal complete with my usual photo documentation. Until now! :thumb:

This recipe makes 2 liters worth which should last most home growers an entire season

Combine the following dry ingredients in a saucepan along with 2 Liters of Fresh RO Water...

120 grams of Dextrose (I use Coopers Brand - Used for Beer Making)
60 grams of Sucrose (Your Common White Table Sugar)
1.5 grams Sodium Benzoate (* Optional as a preservative)
1-2 drops of Green or Blue Food Coloring (For Effect! + Makes it Obvious It Isn't Just Plain Water)


In order to fully dissolve the Sodium Benzoate into solution, I heat the mixture to 200 degrees on the stovetop. This ensures that all of the sugars and preservative are dissolved evenly into solution.


* If you keep the mixture in the freezer till needed, you can skip adding the preservative. But BE WARNED! Sugar water grows bacteria like gang-busters so you either freeze the product till needed or use the preservative. I prefer to use the preservative so I can store the finished product at room temperature indefinitely along with all my commercial additives.

Just like the commercial version, you use 15ml of this mixture per gallon of water for flushing.

The finished product ready for use on your flowering plants!


Enjoy! :thumb:


Is it cheaper to just buy it all ready done for you since you use such a small amount?

Nice receipt and if money's tight a very good ideal!
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