Getting the hang of things

Hi folks,

Well, I'm starting the 3rd week of flowering for my two green crack plants... I lost one, when I switched over from veg... she went limp and I pulled her really quick. The root system was even limp, and not fibrous or springy. The two plants that I have in my flowering chamber of my trinity are doing very well! I haven't trimmed them, at all. I topped them when they were in veg, and then topped them when I put them into the flowering chamber, when I took my clippings.

I have 5 clones in my veg chamber, soon to be 4. I lost one of my Durbin poisons, and one of my sour d's isn't forming new roots.

Previously, I had these guys in my cloning chamber, as I had transplanted from soil, and they re-rooted, but when I switched over to my larger net cups, the roots didn’t' find their way to the water, right away. That was partly my fault, as I have realized how important it is to keep the water level just below the net cups, so the roots jump down to grab the water.

I'm anxiously awaiting my two GC's as they further progress into flowering. Mostly, I'm just hoping not to mess anything up, at this point. My two plants are now just about 3feet tall, within in an inch or so, which means they grow over a foot, this last week. They really made up the space where I took the limp one out. Check out my photo album if you want to see the pics that I have. I have them labelled.

Well, I'm going to try and update this blog once a week, and report my progress. I have a batch of seeds that have grown up nicely, and they are awaiting their turn in the veg chamber! I'm excited to see what they look like, as I don't know the strain.

Warm Regards,



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