Driverless led a godsend to the lazy no good layabout

Because i am the "computer savvy" one my wife has put me in charge of gathering information on how to grow the devils weed while she waits and waits and waits for the ok to grow from Health Canada. The amount of information available is staggering not to mention the amount of conflicting information!

In my journey through the intertubes i have ascertained there are Two basic needs that must be met. Light and food. How these are met can have a major affect on the quality and quantity of the final product so this is where i have spent most of my time thus far.

Being of a certain heritage (read Scottish) i have had the value of a penny beaten into my soul so i do not intend to get too extravagant but i will dust the cobwebs of the the change purse if i feel its justified.

You may have already noticed that grammar, spelling and punctuation are of no particular importance to me so if this offends you you may want to move on because i assure you its only going to get worse.

For lighting i decided on led because they throw more light with less heat. Being a bit of a do it your-self-er i figured i could rig something up right smartly well in watching some of the videos available that seemed like a lot more work and cognitive effort than i was willing to put forth. Mind you they were some very impressive rigs. I did stumble across a rather interesting item on that other big online shopping site. You Know...the one in china. well it seems that someone has gone and taken all the fun of sizing and wiring your LED drivers to match your cobs and done thrown it all right on the cob itself. and at $2.50 for a fifty watt cob i just about fell off my settin stool. Well i steadied myself, straightened my kilt and got to ordering four of these miracles of modern technology. Leds do throw less heat but heat is still an issue so i bought a 160mm x 60mm heat sink and a couple fans to affix to it.
Once they arrived i set my mind to turning this $22 dollars in parts into a portable sun and realized i don't have a lot of tools at my disposal. Also as you probably assumed precision manufacturing is not my specialty. Well shit, what to do? Hey google what do you think? Whats that? i cant hear you over the fan in my computer. Ahhhh cpus give off some pretty serious heat. lets see what the local shop has to offer. Coolmaster 240 mm liquid cpu cooler. At $129 the kids will never make it to one of them ivy league skools if i keep spending money like that. Alpine 64 GT for $12 bucks well thats still pretty steep but if it keeps me from getting dirt under my nails it could be worth it. So now i have have an active cooling heat sink and a Smart ic cob led even i know that in order for these two things to work together they have to be properly connected lets see what the all knowing internet genius Ask Jeeves has to say... hum thats interesting its like Cher or Beck. Well apparently Acrtic makes some thermal epoxy that should do the trick.
Well im getting tired and this is getting to be about as much fun as thinking about trying to build one of those $300 superfantastic cob arrays. so here' s the pics hope this helps some other cheap lazy lout get there freak on.


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