Dr. Cannabi's Coconut Canna Oil

drcannabi;2375697 said:
Green Dreamz;2375619 said:
Good afternoon Doc.....well as you know i am here to recieve instructions on how to make the coconut canna oil and where to purchase the capsules that i will be filling.....i plan on doing this after i make a batch of butter:).....love my canna cookies, but am excited to try the pill form:).......any guidance is most appreciated........if you dont have a problem with it i will blog your answer so i have a quick reference as my memory......:)lol

Mornin GD,

I'll have to get home to get the details of the capsules. There are definitely differences in what they are made of, quality, and price. The ones I use are a great compromise. You'll also want to get a really good oral syringe. The best ones don't have a rubber stopper, they are made entirely of plastic. I'll take a pic tonight.

If you're super antsy to get started you can make the oil now. Here's how I do it.

Make sure there are no children or pets around. They both love coconut oil. My dog licked just a couple drops off the floor and I thought he was going to die. Dogs and weed are a very bad combo no matter what anyone says. They cannot process getting high mentally and they convulse and vomit.

1. Decarboxilate 35 grams of top shelf buds.
220 degrees for 60 minutes. I use a heavy duty metal cooking sheet and seal it aluminum foil. DON'T grind up your buds. When the 60 minutes is up, I turn off the oven and let it cool down in there, I don't remove the pan but I do crack the oven door an inch or so open while it's cooling.

EDIT 2. Put your all your buds in the magical butter machine and add 16 oz of coconut oil. Then add 1 Tablespoon of lecithin (I use powdered Soy lecithin). Sprinkle it evenly over the top of the buds and oil I've had problems with the lecithin clumping on the bottom of the MBM when I don't do it this way.

3. Hit the oil setting on your MBM and when it's finished strain it into a Pyrex pitcher.

4. When the oil has cooled off completely but still in its liquid form, use your oral syringe to fill size 00 capsules. MAKE SURE YOU STIR IT before EACH time you fill the syringe.

5. Clean up everything with hot soap and water and and make sure there is no residue left anywhere.

I made the mistake of leaving my dirty Pyrex pitcher in the sink and Mrscannabi unknowingly washed it. Then she went to work. An hour later she thought she was Going to die. Once she said she felt high I knew exactly what happened. But now I only make this when I'm home alone. It went right through get skin.

Dosage: only take 1 and wait for a while hour before taking another. My tolerance is way up there and I still stay with one on any new batch until I titrate my dosage.

Before this method which is every bit ad strong as my old method (actually a little stronger), I used 190 proof Everclear and a digital stove top to make RSO. Then I'd mix in the oil. The MBM is 100% a better methods in all aspects.

Thanks for turning me on to that. :thanks:

I'll follow up with you tonight on the capsules and syringe.



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