DIY Close up Camera shots with your simple digital camera and a Loupe

cannafan;1910521 said:
Hello friends!

If any of you are like me, you have marveled at the beautiful close up photographs taken by growers all over the :420: community.
You can take these close up pictures too, with the simplest of equipment. All you need is a point and shoot digital camera, or a cell phone with a camera feature, a jewelers loupe and a rubber band. A steady hand is always nice too. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Here's what I did:
I have a simple Fujifilm small digital camera with an optical zoom and a 40x jewelers loupe ( my loupe has a light on it too, not absolutely necessary though). I turned the camera on and zoomed it all the way out then placed the loupe on top of the lens. I found a roll of electrical tape, you can use anything that fits the area, and placed it between the back of the loupe and the camera and held it in place with a rubber band. The loupe fit the lens area perfectly.
This is my set up:


You can do the same with your camera phone by rubber banding the loupe over the camera lens then using the zoom feature on your camera/phone.
I have obtained some extreme close ups with this method, as long as you keep your hands as still as possible and turn off any fans on the plants for a short time while you are photographing so the subject isn't moving. I have even rigged up a monopod to hold my camera on, for even less camera shake.
With the image stabilizing features most digi-cameras have these days it is even easier to take good photographs up close and personal!
Here's a couple examples:

I'm not saying these are awesome pictures by any means, but I could never have come close to getting trichomes visible this close without the set up. Expensive cameras and lenses are just not in my budget. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Comments welcome as well as your own simple set ups to help us all take close up photographs!


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