Disturbing news from Sweden and the climate I live in.

  • Author Author Medican
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  • Blog entry read time Blog entry read time 2 min read
There is some disturbing news coming out from this conference that is taking place at this moment.

Here is the conference information:

Here is the first statement from the inside:

They are encouraging Swedish form of legislation and refer to it as successful. We have in Sweden the highest mortality in EU within substance abuse.
Cannabis in Your system is a crime and You face up to 6 months in prison if You have traces of THC in you body. Regardless.

We are being under heavy attack within our cannabis culture and forums within Sweden and several of our member within our Facebookgroups have been arrested this week for no obvious reason and with no or wery little suspicion except for internet activity.

Evidence such as membership within open groups and forums that openly protest against prohibition in Sweden is grounds for search warrants urine sample and blood testing in order to find the source of the illegal drug cannabis.

If You refuse testing of bodily fluids it is the same as admitting taking drugs and obstruction of justice and You are guilty.

You will be forces to leave urine or blood sample under violence by trained police officers breaking Your joints if You show any signs of being under the influence of cannabis in Sweden.
Red eyes and drowsiness is grounds enough for the police to enforce these methods of collecting evidence in the pursuit of heavy criminals within our society.

And to state publicly or to the police that You are not under the influence, while thinking it should be legal is grounds for concern and testing of the individual and search warrant.

This is our reality and I am feeling wery depressed and alienated from My home country from where I am fighting for a change.
I am since 3 years back without an address and considered homeless so I can pursue this fascist legislation and criminal actions towards our population.

It is with anxiety I go to bed every night knowing that the police will at any given moment find me and force me into the legal system and try to convict me as a drug addict, drug dealer and a danger to society.

There is thousands of us in Sweden joining forces to fight this evil however we are being submitted to a cruel legislation and we are being filed in to lists and computer systems so they are now monitoring us at our work and private life.

Just wanted to let everyone now what is going on where I live and that we are being pursued harder than anyone in Europe right now as far as I now it...

Hope to see You soon if I'm not in jail for being a member or having a common cold and refusing blood testing...

Michael Bravin.


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