Curso's True High Brix! Featuring DocBud's True High Brix Kit

Curso;1695331 said:
Thanks BID!!! They really are amazingly good.

I took this from one of DocBuds' threads:
DocBud;1694556 said:
Good question! Here's what I do:

1. take off all fan leaves and really large sugar leaves.
2. Immerse partially trimmed buds in solution of 1 cup lemon juice and 2 cups baking soda in 5 gallons of water. Agitate for 30 seconds.
3. Immerse in second bucket filled with RO and agitate for 30 seconds
4. Immerse in third bucket of RO and agitate for 30 seconds
5. shake off as much water as possible, hang as usual and dry.

At the end of the drying cycle, trim off the dried up leaves that remain on the buds, being careful to keep them for the hash bag.

The buds come out so dang clean, with the best flavor I've had so far. They're super plump and stinky when you hang them, and they burn super clean.

That's what I'm doing.

I did this to the 2 Blueberry Gum (tastes so good) the Sour Diesel #2 (excellent flavor) and I chopped the skunk 47 the other day and washed it too (just about to wake and bake the skunk). It works awesome, a must do if you are foliar feeding fishy ferts, Doc wont give us bad stuff to do to our plants and spraying everything the way we do, it makes perfect sense.

I did make a salad with the 3 and vaped it, I vaguely remember it being awesome before passing out.


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