Curso's True High Brix! Featuring DocBud's True High Brix Kit

Doc Bud;1668239 said:
jon705;1668230 said:
sure is bro, I really like the idea of mixing up some supersoil in a few kiddie pools let it cook for a month and then just watering the girls. 100 plants is too much to be messing around with mixing nutes or teas for 1 person and still have a life imo:)

Not to belabor the point, bit mixing up my kit is less work than Subcool soil. I have one ingredient to mix.....he has like 8.
As to teas, the kit doesn't use them. If you fertigate, or water with a hose end sprayer, the kit will work perfectly.

Let's say you're growing on 300 sq feet. In a hose end sprayer, you'd include 25ml of "Tea" and 30 oz of "Energy" and water the plants! That's all.

Once a week, get out the backpack sprayer and hit 'em with Brix, 10 oz in 2.5 gallons of water. Get each plant wet with that once a week.

I've grown in supersoil. The kit is easier and cheaper.


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