Cannabis Oil Cure for Cancer - How Rick Simpson Makes Medicine

420 Motoco;2202894 said:
Hi Budha,

All depends on what stage of cancer, what kind, etc. A lot of different game plans come into play. Each case is different on the amount required. If using with chemo/radiation on the norm its 90 grams approximately. If brain surgery was performed to remove tumors you have to use more CBD concentrate to reduce inflammation as well as high THC. Then how many meds they are on, addictions to opiate based meds. Nutrition, sleep, hydration, mental attitude and other complications that happen where the tumors have mets. No chemo/radiation, no meds of course is the fastest heal. I know of only one person who healed their cancer and stopped using the concentrate. All others continue using a preventive maintenance dose for the rest of their life. It keeps you in the best health of your life. With daytime and nighttime the concentrate controls what the body craves. Perfect days with perfect sleep while your glands, organs, receptors stay at optimal working order. The best way I approach what you need is your specific illness. You don't need a pound to start with. I would rather get a quarter pound of my Sativa strain, a couple of ounces of high cbd strain and one ounce of Indica/Indica for night time. Use this and see if you like how the strains make you feel. You can adjust these easily with what you have. To much amp during the day? use a little Indica to tone it down. Need more CBD for pain/inflammation add more CBD to your dosing regimen. Overweight? Use more sativa, need weight, add a tad more Indica. You can blend the oils to whatever your body needs to become healthy. I have people healing themselves using ounces, half ounces, whatever is needed to start healing. Smart planning saves thousands of dollars. That being said, once you find out what you need and what is right for you, then commit to bigger amounts as you can always rely on consistency.

Big Budha;2201255 said:
I have a friend who has cancer and I was wondering what the total amount of cannabis is needed to complete the entire treatment.
Is a pound enough or would you need more?


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