Cannabelle on companion planting with allium.

Cannabelle;2558143 said:
SweetSue;2557290 said:
Do you believe the allium is what's making the big difference? I have the cannibis+Glomus mycorrhizal fungi part down, and reading this made a lightbulb go off over my head as an explaination of why the plants growing in that pot don't have much smell until you touch them.

I'm still trying to figure out this wonderful phenomena myself, SweetSue.

I grew alliums with Glomus mycorrhizzal fungi way before working with cannabis. These alliums are more commonly known as green onions or welsh bunching onions. I'm Polynesian and Asian so the onions are a staple in most of my home cooked native dishes. Allium fistulosum thrives with Glomus myc and have been grown this way in indigenous soils for hundreds of years. The commercial bunching onion industry in Asia tried to grow native onions unsuccessfully in soil mixes that lacked native rhizosphere beneficials until someone discovered the importance of Glomus fungi about a century ago.

Alliums like garlic have been used for hundreds of years with another distant cousin in the Rosales order of which roses and cannabis belong. Garlic is traditionally grown along side roses to enhance the scent of roses grown to make perfume.

Both Allium fistulosum and cannabis share the same ancient partnership with Glomus mycorrhizzal fungi from their indigenous origins in Asia.

I accidentally rediscovered this ancient partnership when I was about to give-up growing cannabis for medicine a handful of years ago. The opioids and chemo meds were harder on me than my auto-immune disorder. I was too sick and poor to afford decent grow gear to make medicine to sustain me. I got mad at the failing cannabis grow and stuck my alliums into the cannabis pots because I didn't want to waste good mycorrhizzal fungi. The soil was likely too hot because all I could afford back then was Miraclegrow. A miracle occurred. A week later, not only did the alliums thrive, but so did my first indoor cannabis. The addition of the alliums unlocked an allelopathic synergy that boosted growth in my stunted cannabis and helped the Glomus regulate mineral intake and water/drought stress cycle. The alliums must also be doing for cannabis what alliums have been doing with perfume roses for hundreds of years: making flowers more beautiful.

I am baffled and amazed with these most ancient and beautiful partnerships. I continue to investigate and rediscover these beautiful connections which were lost when cannabis was outlawed and purged from much of the Asian continent.


Hugs, SweetSue.

I've been debating on putting up a grow thread here. I am kind of embarrassed that I lack the funds for decent gear. I recycle unconventional material and hit the dollar store and thrift shop much. The only real investment in gear has been seeds and mycorrhizal fungi.

I grow the way my grandmother learned from her mother. My great grandmother was kidnapped from China like many Chinese girls in the late 1800's to serve as a wife to an indentured Chinese sugar plantation worker in Hawaii. She eventually became second wife to a Chinese merchant who her purchased her in Hawaii and ended-up owning and running her own farm. She was trained in ancient growing techniques. China seems to have lost much of this knowledge through several cultural purges. My grandfather was Hawaiian and taught me how to farm the sea and use native plants for medicine.

Thus my growing methods are not within standard operating parameters. I am traversing the path of ancestors and modern science.
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I just came across this Cannabelle. Let me encourage you to set up a journal and share what you've been blessed to carry on. This is one of my biggest passions, to demonstrate how not having the fancy equipment shouldn't deter you from growing. I most enjoy the unconventional flourishes.

If Doc Bud hadn't given me the LED panel and someone else gifted me with the tent I would still be happily banging them out in my tiny wide-open closet under CFLs. I was also gifted the HB Kit and seeds. Sometimes it felt like someone else, or a string of someone elses was running my grow. I got over the confusion. :laugh2:

Do consider journaling. You're a natural at it. Think of the knowledge and culture only you have to offer. I'll be right there in the first seat , unless Graytail beats me to it. :laugh2:

Cannabelle, I believe you are one of the great untapped resources on this site. I think it's a shame that a woman of your obvious gardening skills with that natural voice you communicate in wouldn't be exploiting those talents here.

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