Buckshot's Perpetual Grow - LED - Pro-Mix - Evolving Feeding Routine

Buckshot;2344979 said:
colorfuldayze;2344815 said:
Hiya Buckshot. Hope you are well and your garden is green. I am a huge fan of your extracts and want to embark on my first attempt as soon as I get home. I am so new to all of this and realize that this would be a perfect way to discretely keep medicine available for all occasions. I apologize in advance for asking some questions that might be obvious to many, but does your final product have detectable odor (i.e. if a random person were to open the concentrate container and smell it would they detect certain smells), what kind of shelf life does it have, what is the best way to preserve it to maintain the longest shelf life, and do its qualities and/or potency degrade over time even under the best storage conditions? Thank you a million dabs (that I don't have...yet) for your thoughts Buckshot. All the best to you sir!


There have only been a couple of people beside myself that have ever looked at and smelled my product. They pull away like it is smelling salts and their eyes get big and they say shit like "whoa". So if somebody opens my containers they are going to get a lot of "smell" in fact I pride myself in retaining that "smell" ... terpenes

but... in a closed container there is little or no smell

I don't have along shelf life for any of my meds as this is a perpetual way to keep me going and it is hard to do that... it is always "fresh". The finished products depending on how it was processed can last quite a while on their own but eventually the products will dry out and become powder. Powder is fine too but it also drys further till little or no terpenes are left. So fresh meds is where it is at for me. If I wanted to save mine the way it is now I would vacuum pack it in a jar and freeze it.

I hope this helps

PS if you are into discreet, a pen rig is... but a glass rig NOT :cheesygrinsmiley:


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