Blueberry Hogsbreath Bonsai x 2

2oz dried Blueberry Hogsbreath 1 and 2
5 gallon pot, truly abused all the way through grow but it paid off.

I truly believe that all the talking I did to this first grow was the reason they grew just so well no matter what I did to them

I constantly talked to my plants, telling them how pretty they were, how clever they were, how much they had growb overnight, etc etc etc... I was in the room several times a day looking at and talking to the,

The Abuse I did to them was radical. as you will see later in post. 2 oz cured per plant is apparently pretty good. Tasted and smelt great.




Abuse like this, missing some photos. But you get the idea.
A lot of fim'ing, squeezing and bending branches. And like thing, bending and tieing down them branches, removing gan leaves a couple of times a week, and removing smaller bottom branches 2 weeks into flowing to make clones out of them.

I'll show 'em who's boss , actually I felt really bad doing it, but as you will see, we had very little room for growing.


Original Clone Blurberry Hogsbreath, I think it was taller the the finished grow.

This skeleton Shows some of the bending I did. See that real real bad bend at the top, I thought I had broken that branch, I tied it branch up, and I think that was the one I wrapped with a band-aid lol... removed it a few days later to see what was happening, and it had healed over ended up with a big big callous.

I have arthritis so squeezing oe squashing branches to bend them down was hard, a few times later into flower, then the branches were getting very hard, I used a clean cloth to cover both sides of branch, and a pair of pliers to squash the branch, I shudder to think what I did now.


Drying Room, I new wardrobe box brought from removal company, for less than $10, Cut a door in it, Ran string from side to side, using sticks on outside of box to tie string to, so it could hold the weight without tearing cardboard. I container of damp-rid in bottom of box, and a couple of airvent holes top and bottom. It worked perfectly, Was folded up between grows, and used for 4 grows, before my partner got to sick to grow anymore.


Just one lot of edibles I made. I always used those muffin mix where all you add is an edd and oil or butter, and they came out great/


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