August 29, 2008

I have not gotten high since May 15th. Why you say? Why would a lifelong stoner not burn it down in over three and a half months? I'll tell you why. To get a measily nine dollar an hour job nowadays one has to pass a backround check and multiple drug screens. That is, if you can even find a decent job. Until early this year, I had my own construction company... I can't get any work anymore because the industy's gone to hell in a handbasket.

You got American companies knowingly hiring illegals, therefore undercutting Americans to pad their profit margins a couple percentage points. This is goddamned treason! What is the government doing about it? Talking about giving these illegal bastards amnesty! Fucking Amnesty! Get caught smoking a joint, ya go to jail. Enter the country illegaly, pay no taxes, you get free medical care. What the fuck?

What do our new presidential candidates have to say about this? Not a damned thing... leave it up to McCain or Obama, they'll turn their backs on the problem. They haven't a clue what the influx of illegals is doing to America.

By now, you might be thinking "well these illegals are doing the jobs Americans won't do.." BULLLLSHHHITTTT. Give me a living wage, I'll pick fruit in the fields. Give me a living wage, I'll work in a meat processing plant. Give me a living wage, I'll mow grass and landscape your yard. So what if we have to pay 20 more cent a pound for meat or fruit. So what if we have to pay 10 more bucks a week to maintain our yards. So what if a new house costs 228,000 instead of 224,000. We should proudly pay the extra to ensure our fellow Americans have decent jobs with living wages and benefits. There comes a time when we are selling our souls to save a buck.

I really need to smoke, my head is gonna explode at this rate.


I have been looking for a job for 2 months now and even McD’s is not hiren because there are fine with all of there minimum wage wetbacks that they have working for em.
I haven’t smoked in 2months cuz I know I wood have a test if I got a new job, but I can’t even find one!lol Not smoking and no job really sucks! I have been rolling joints with tobacco just to pass the time…hahaha It is really wired though, cuz even when I smoke the cig joints out in front of people they don’t say anything to me or even look at me funny.?.?.? I think I could get away with smoken a splif in public!hahaha that would be funny! I would be laughing while I was hitting it cuz no one knows what I’m really smoking, and cuz I would be high.:cool027: People would be looking at me funny Me smoking a joint laughing at nothing in the Wal-Mart parking lot. I think a cop would see something wired about that!:smokin: anyway, keep your head up and know that one day we will be free to smoke what we want!.........I hope…

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America will never leagalize marijuana.(period) And if they ever did, you could bet they would probably come up with some dumb ass ignorant bill that would jail people would produce MJ for themselves.....Which means if you dont buy MJ from the government, you spend time in the slammer. And, if it were that you honestly think MJ would be affordable? way....think of all the heavy ass taxes your selfish government would lay on marijuana...And what do you think they would do with that money......EXACTLY....They would simply pocket it..Instead of doing something usefull with it like minimum mandatory education, health care or even housing for the homeless.
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