Already planning grow 2

The goal of my growing efforts is to produce the highest quality plants for personal use in the most self-sufficient and less is more manner possible. As such, I'll be experimenting with methods of expert growers alongside by the book grows using the same expert growers published methods. For my first side-by-side attempt I will be growing using Doc Bud's High Brix Kit for 1/2 of my grow and using a modified version of the High Brix method using my own soil, amendments and foliar sprays. I haven't completely settled on my formula yet, but as a starting point I'm going to put down some notes on what I plan to use thus far:

5 tbsp of 97% food grade Calcium Carbonate per plant
3/4 tsp of Dr Earth Soft Rock Phosphate per plant

50% My own Chicken Manure Based Compost
50% Perlite

Haven't settled on foliar spray and tea recipe yet

Will be researching natural sources for ingredients in my area to try to be more self-sufficient


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