A useful tool to calculate/predict sunrise/sunset, daylight hours for a location

Found this on time and date site. You select a location/city to search by, and then you get to see exact times for sunrise/sunset, angles of the sun, and daylight hours. Very useful for us farmers.

FAQ: Sunrise and Sunset Times in Any City

Here's another one, this is run by Uncle Sam's eggheads.

For the second one, you've got to calculate daylight hours yourself, and shoot the sun if you want to know it's azimuth, as it only gives times of sunrise/sunset. It does have many more locations, including worldwide, in its database, though, so that makes up for its lack of automatic math.

EDIT: USNO does have a daylight/darkness duration chart, per location.

Both those sites above also provide information on the lunar cycles, as well as solar.

Please enjoy, I did. Made for interesting research, while very medicated on a good sativa that packs a powerful cerebral "boost" feeling. Everything is just brighter, louder, more detailed, more colorful. Feeling very intelligent. Not sure if that's just the pot, lol. Anywho, part of my research has been into moving to a different part of the continent, or even to a different continent, and how it might effect me, my things, and my garden.



This may or may not be the same as your area. This is for my area. I made it by copying the data and pasting it into a notepad document. it's just text you got to copy. It's from the third link, that shows duration data of sunlight.
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Ascended Master Kief
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