A growing interest

A Growing Interest

It all started, last year, the 2nd of March. I went to the doctor for my medical evaluation, to obtain my mmj card. I retained my rights, which entitled me to grow my own medicine. The problem was, I had no idea how to grow, and I had limited space.
My first attempt at growing was in an aero garden, and I had good success, until I ended up killing my plant before bloom. The plant took a long time to grow and only grow 2ft! I couldn’t control the environment I was growing in and I ended up
getting powdery mildew, all over my plant.
I gave up on growing for a while, until I discovered that there were companies out there that actually offer turn key systems. Well, after eight months of dragging my feet, I finally pulled the trigger, and I decided to go with a Trinity system, by www.supercloset.com .

I chose the trinity because I can do a continual crop rotation, every month, which sounded really good, vs. Having to wait two to three months grow and start over. Setting up the trinity was easy, and I had EVERYTING I needed to grow! I opened the cabinets up, and found my nutrients, my rockwoll , tds meter, ph up and down, with test kit, cloning gel, hydro rocks, and even temperature and humidity gauges, and on off timers, you get the idea. It took me about an hour and a half to set up my trinity and the setup was very intuitive!
I put the instructional video into my computer and paused it during each step of the setup and I had the system ready to grow!
I have been using the system now, for a little over 5 weeks and I am amazed with the results that I’m seeing. My plants started off slow, because I didn’t fill my reservoir up enough, and the roots didn’t try to grow toward the deep aquaculture that I had doing on. Once I put more water, into my system, the root systems starting growing, at an incredible rate!
Yesterday, I switched my 3 Green Crack plants into my flowering chamber and the root systems were so big, that I had to guide them in the net cup holes with two hands! I have spaghetti roots and my plants are 19” tall and bushy. I topped two of the three plants, when they were just clones, and they are nice and bushy now. I took clippings from the three plants, before I started them in the flowering chamber, as my trinity has an auto cloner in the bottom of my veg chamber!
Now, I moved some clones up into my veg chamber, while my other plants are getting ready to flower in the flowering chamber. I installed my adjustable net trellis system, so that I can pin my plants back and create the “sea of green” as they grow.
Stay tuned for further updates! I have some plants that are growing from seed, right now, and I’m anxious to see what they are going to look like. You should be able to see my pics, remember there are only three plants in the flowering chamber, but they take up the entire cabinet!
I have no smell in my house, and all you can hear is the mellow hum of the fans and filter, inside the cabinet. If you are inexperienced, like me, or a pro, I’m guessing you can find a use for the Trinity!

P.S. I'd love to post photos of my grow, but I'm having a hard time figuring it out!



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