A Daily Ganja Read

Blogging is kind of like you were keeping an online diary. Poeple read you and respond. Most of the time bloggers write about stuff that happened to them, impulse writting. I've never blogged before, but I just saw this new feature and I thought I would give it a go.

So in case some of you were not aware, I just started growing. Well, I started last September. Last night was day 63 of flowering, so she was on her 9th week. Since I'll be leaving town in a week, I had to cut her down. Idealy I should of waited an other week or 10 days, but time was an issue.

Never the less, I took her into the living room, turned the TV on, watched Weeds and maniured her. So after about 20 minutes of trimming, I cut the branchs and hung them up. I had a total weight of 307g. Since about 70% of the weight will be lost in the drying process, I'm estimating I should have a 3 oz yeild.Anyways, if you want to know more, you can check out my grow here

It's almost xmas and I haven't had time to get anyone anything. I haven't even gone xmas shopping yet. I'm not much of shoppers anyways. I have so many things to do that, I just don't seem to be in the holiday spirit this year. Seems like only yesterday I was walking around in a tee enjoying the sun. Well actually, yesterday we got 4" of snow and it was 19. But you know what I mean. The only way to warm up on a day like that is in the comfort of your home smoking a joint. So that's exactly what I did. Put my feet up and rolled some herb. I'm almost out of this batch, I won't need to buy anymore anytie soon if the pot I grew turns out to be decent. So I watched Weeds. Man, I love this show, I have been watching it religiously since the 1st season. I am really not a tv person, I'll watch the hockey games when my home team is playing, I usually watch the news and apart Weeds, I don't really watch any other show. Work and school keeps me very busy.


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