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  • Is Cannabis Market Transforming into a Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Sector?
    Looks like it! Cannabis is really starting to look more like a regular consumer product, with lots of brands, nicer packaging, and more options...
    • Get Glass Distribution
  • Why the Vape with Screen is Gaining Popularity in Cannabis?
    Screened vapes are pretty popular in the weed market and for a good reason. They're cleaner hits: they filter out some stuff you don't want to...
    • Get Glass Distribution
  • Sticky Orange XXL
    Day 47 She grew a bit and nothing really special. I bought Calmag to see if her deficiency goes away. I also painted the buckets black so no...
    • darkdragon2451
  • Purple Punch
    Day 38 she growing good and she started getting "frosty" leafes! I also bought Calmag and it came today. i will wster her tomorrow or in 2...
    • darkdragon2451
  • Sticky Orange XXL
    Day 44 her total height is now 30cm i trimmed her and i still got leaf problems.
    • darkdragon2451

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Posted in the blog: Well...
This may be it for a while. All of my searching for bag seed from the Big City has not panned out. Looks like I'm going to have to wait for a "first paycheck" scenario and practice some more on seeds I actually buy. Maybe an autoflower would be a good bet? IDK - It's prolly gonna be a while...
Posted in the blog: Transplant 2
Well, what did we learn? While waiting for my next batch of seeds I decided to transplant this odd little seedling again. The soil, while better than what I started with, was just not cutting it. Not enough drainage, staying moist too long from what i gather from grow journals here. Since...
Posted in the blog: surprise
Well - I couldn't throw out that sprout because it wouldn't die. It still wouldn't grow either. I left it on the table by the window and yesterday I saw it was leaning towards the sun. (???) So I figured he must really be alive and stuck him back under the grow light. Second set of emerging...
Posted in the blog: First Grow coming to an end!
Well, looks like the sprout is in hospice. Did OK until the emergency transplant. One big thing I learned is this small town doesn't have any appropriate soil options, unless I make my own soil. That's not gonna happen. A lot of folks here live on farms or in big old houses, not me - I live in a...
Posted in the blog: First Grow Continued
Holding Pattern: Plant is not dying from the stress of transplant and new light. Plant is not recovering from the wilt nor is is growing Waiting - Waiting - Waiting :popcorn:
Posted in the blog: First Grow Continued
7/23/14 My LED grow light is "out for delivery" and my sprout has caused drama this morning. Leaves were still drooping and the soil in the cup didn't look so good. After examining this situation I realized that the meds I'm taking for the neuralgia may be preventing me from feeling the...
Posted in the blog: First grow continued
7/22/14 Yeah. This is a grow journal. But hey - I don't want to put all this out there in a real journal until I am more experienced and can somewhat succeed at getting past the sprouting stage. :reading420magazine: 2 items of note: 1) My one and only little sprout was left unattended under...
Posted in the blog: First Grow
:420: :welcome: 7/15/14 - First Grow: Medical Cannabis Grow Medical conditions I hope to ameliorate/address: Glossopharyngeal neuralgia on the left side. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia is a problem with the 9th cranial nerve. The nerve runs from the base of the brain past your ears and...
Posted in the blog: First Grow continued
In March I started a grow with half the seeds B gave me, but just as 2 of them sprouted I had to leave town on emergency family business which lasted on-and-off for about 3 months. So, there you go. I guess this is really my second grow. At the beginning of July, I germinate the rest of the...
Posted in the blog: First Grow continued
7/20/14 Had to go out of town for the weekend. Left my plant in the care of my roommate H. Hope all goes well. The new sprout still looked hearty when I left, with a thick stem - not too leggy and the first two true leaves looked robust. I don't have a delivery date for the new light yet -...
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