How ‘Stoner’ Stereotypes Detract From The Importance Of Legalization
We all know at least one person who fits the “lazy stoner” stereotype.
These people live, eat, sleep and breathe to puff the magic dragon.
Top 10 Health Benefits Of Marijuana
There is no plant on Earth more condemned than marijuana. We’re talking about a living organism which governments have taken upon themselves to designate...
Marijuana Could Literally Replace These 5 Prescription Drugs
A new study published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Review found that people are increasingly substituting prescription medication, alcohol, and illicit drugs with...
Weed Has A ‘Hidden Antibiotic Potential’ And Can Defeat Feared Superbugs
A chemical found in cannabis can destroy a feared superbug and could save thousands of lives, scientists have claimed.
A team from McMaster University...
Everything You Need to Know About Marijuana’s Most Medicinal Molecule
In 2009, a handful of CBD-rich cannabis strains were discovered serendipitously in Northern California, America’s cannabis breadbasket, where certified patients could access medical marijuana...
Remarkable Ways Cannabis Can Help Prevent Illness
When it comes to health, “cannabis” is the new buzzword. While this all-natural remedy has been around for thousands of years, scientists are still...
The Chemistry Behind Skunky Scent
A new study reveals the sulfur compounds that give cannabis flowers that unmistakable skunky aroma.
Scientists have finally sniffed out the molecules behind marijuana’s skunky...
Oldest Evidence Of Marijuana Use Discovered In 2500-Year-Old Cemetery In Peaks...
Today, more than 150 million people regularly smoke cannabis, making it one of the world's most popular recreational drugs. But when and where humans...
Court Ruling Highlights Federal, State Discord Over Medical Marijuana
In 1991, amid the AIDS crisis in San Francisco, a former jazz and blues singer named Lynnette Shaw was hired as the intake officer...
Cannabis Can Kill Cancer Says National Cancer Institute
The institute recently updated its ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ page about marijuana to include various studies revealing how cannabis “may inhibit tumor growth by causing...
Study Highlights Potential Public Health Benefits Of Medical Cannabis
Cannabis has been long maligned as an addictive narcotic that could lead to serious health issues, but a UBC and University of Victoria study...
‘Cannabis Damages DNA’ Claim Debunked By Leading Researcher Ethan Russo
Critics are calling "reefer madness" on a new study from Australia claiming smoking pot will give your kids cancer.
Cannabis has been shown in cell,...
Does Marijuana Increase Sexual Desire?
In the movie "Annie Hall," the titular character likes to smoke a joint at bedtime because, she says, it relaxes her and helps get...
Cannabis Oil Vs Hemp Oil, Hash Oil
Smoking may be the most popular method to use marijuana, but it's not the only one. Cannabis-derived oils are increasingly popular, and their uses...
Scientific Study: This Marijuana Flavor Might Fight Pancreatic Cancer
Often lost in the dishonest hubbub around wellness-trend-of-the-moment CBD—and all the afflictions that the non-intoxicating cannabis compound can supposedly heal—are the legitimate scientific findings...
Jeff Sessions’ Alternative Facts On Marijuana And Legalization
Attorney General Jeff Sessions became the second member of the Trump administration in less than a week to provide “alternative facts” and backward analysis...