Basic Info On Fluorescent Lighting
This is a compilation of basic information on fluorescent lighting that I have gathered over a period of several months. What is a fluorescent light? A...
Stickydank’s Basic CO2 Method
Items Required:
* 10lb. white sugar
* 5 gallon clean bucket W/lid
* 4 1/2 gallons of water
* A piece of toast browned and hard
* A table...
What Do All Of Those Lighting Terms Mean?
This glossary will help you understand terms commonly used in the world of lighting. AVERAGE LIFE - The life expectancy of a lamp, based on...
What are the Different Growth Characteristics Associated with Indica, Sativa &...
Indica plants are short, bushy, mature early, have more chlorophyll and less accessory pigments (accessory pigments protect the plant from excessive sunlight).
As Indica strains...
Should I Use A Light Mover?
Light movers are mechanical devices that, as the name implies, move an HID in a fixed pattern over a garden. A light mover can...
How Can I Improve The Air Flow In Air Cooled Light...
How can I improve the air flow in air cooled light hoods? Like many of you, I use Hydrofarm hoods for my lights. I...
Should I start my grow from clones or seeds?
Growers face the decision to start a grow from either seeds or rooted clones. The decision is not obvious, as both growing options...
How Can I Vent Through The Sewer?
A common alternative to venting up the chimney is venting into the sewer pipe. Depending on how your house is built, if you push...
DIY: How Can I Build a Compact Hood with an Intergrated...
The following are somewhat detailed instructions for constructing a shielded hood/reflector with an integrated light trap designed for a small cabinet... It...
What Reflective Materials can I use for my Grow Room?
Choosing the right surface for the walls of your grow room is very important, as up to 40% of your total yield comes...
Do Roots REALLY Grow in the Dark?
Note: diels alder was instrumental in helping turn this very technical subject into something much easier to understand. This is by no means...
How Do I Manipulate The Photoperiod For Larger Yields?
The only photoperiod manipulation from years of experiments that offered discernible improvements was this adjustment made for 1 or 2 calendar weeks at the...
How Do I Power 12v Computer Fans?
Quiet, low power and surprizingly efficient, computer fans are an ideal cooling option for smaller cabinet grows. The only problem is that most computer...
What Distance Should My Light Be From My Plants?
For (artificial) light, there is a law that always applies known as the Inverse Square Law. It states that light diminishes exponentially in energy...
How Much Will I Yield?
How Much Will I Yeild?
"I have XXX much will I yield?" or "How can I get bigger yields?"
A common inquiry. From ambitious...
How Do I Control Odor With Ozonators?
Ozonators can make the smell of even SMELLY strains like Mikado and Romulan practically unnoticeable, unless resin glands are broken by your movements within...