420 Sponsor: BudVac

pump and jar3 BudVac

Please join us in welcoming our new sponsor BudVac to our mission of spreading Cannabis Awareness to the world.

420 Magazine exists so that you can fully appreciate the cannabis plant and interact with thousands of like-minded individuals around the world, sharing and gaining knowledge with us in our endeavor to end prohibition. We would not be able to continue operating this complicated website without the valued support of sponsors such as BudVac and we ask that you also help our mission by supporting the sponsors who make this possible.

banner BudVac

BudVac storage containers are all glass and the secret is in the lid. They use a patented technology that allows you to create a complete vacuum inside the jar using our vacuum-pump (that comes with each order). Simply close the lid, place the pump on top of the rubber valve (in the center of the lid), pump until you hear the “clicking” indicator – and that’s it!!! The wonderful contents inside are vacuum sealed and protected!

BudVac systems are for short or long term storage usage. They are the worlds first and only all glass, resealable, vacuum container. Each unit comes with a hand pump that is used to pump the air out of the jar creating a vacuum and locking out air and moisture thus keeping your herbs fresh and full of flavor.

BudVac jars come in a variety of sizes from 125ml (1/4oz or 7gr) all they way up to a whopping 5L (3/4lb or 370g).

125Rechargable pump
5000mlhand pump


Website: BudVac
Email: info@budvac.com
Thank you BudVac for your support in our mission. We are truly grateful!


420 Magazine®
Creating Cannabis Awareness Since 1993

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