420 Sponsor: RX Green Solutions


Please join us in welcoming our new sponsor RX Green Solutions to our mission of spreading Cannabis awareness to the world.

420 Magazine began life 23 years ago in an endeavor to end prohibition by creating a forum where appreciation and awareness of the Cannabis plant could flourish. We are not only the oldest Cannabis community website, we are also, thanks to our large and sophisticated membership, recognized as the gold standard for knowledge sharing. To continue offering this free service we rely on like-minded sponsors such as RX Green Solutions, to whom we are truly grateful. Please support our Mission by supporting them. Our sponsors make 420 Magazine possible.

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They offer a comprehensive range of products containing patented technology with one, simple objective – to help you grow better.

The family-owned business spent years researching their formulations, talking to growers, scientists and technicians. Initially developed for regular gardeners, after a few years RX Green Solutions discovered that their naturally-based products were being used by legal cannabis growers. So in 2014 they opened their Cannabis Research Centre in Denver, Colorado, developing regimens to achieve the highest level of results with cannabis, focussed on the four goals that every grower seeks – yield, quality, flavor, and potency. Today, many large-scale commercial growers use their products and programs exclusively, to deliver higher yields with improved quality.

They have products that support the whole of the growing cycle – Grow and Bloom nutrients, cloning gel and rooting hormones, harpin proteins to stimulate the plant’s natural growth and defense systems, an Energy product to enhance nutrient uptake, the appropriately named Bulk for bigger, denser buds as well as pH adjusters. You truly will need nothing else for the finest harvest.

What’s more, their products come with sophisticated schedules to ensure that your feeding program is perfectly balanced. Their website is wonderfully comprehensive – and you’ll find precise details of ingredients and schedules based on their years of research.

RX Green Solutions
RX Green Solutions
RX Green Solutions
RX Green Solutions


Rx Green Solutions
PO Box 3213
Manchester, NH 03109

Telephone: 603 769 3450

Website: RX Green Solutions

Email: info@rxgreensolutions.com

Thank you RX Green Solutions for your support in our mission. We are truly grateful!

420 Magazine®
Creating Cannabis Awareness Since 1993

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