420 Sponsor: Extractohol


Please join us in welcoming our new sponsor Extractohol to our mission of spreading Cannabis awareness to the world.

420 Magazine began life 23 years ago in an endeavor to end prohibition by creating a forum where appreciation and awareness of the Cannabis plant could flourish. We are not only the oldest Cannabis community website, we are also, thanks to our large and sophisticated membership, recognized as the gold standard for knowledge sharing. To continue offering this free service we rely on like-minded sponsors such as Extractohol, to whom we are truly grateful. Please support our Mission by supporting them. Our sponsors make 420 Magazine possible.

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Achieve maximum extraction with least residue by using Extractohol. It’s simply the purest and most natural alcohol for herbal extraction. Why’s this important? Because its purity means that there is minimum displacement, and minimum displacement means minimum waste

Alcohol of course has been used for herbal extraction for over 1,000 years. Pure ethyl alcohol has been used in the medical and scientific community for hundreds of years. It is Pure 200 Proof Ethyl Alcohol, in other words Food Grade Alcohol. Extractohol-O is 190 Proof Ethyl Alcohol, otherwise known as Certified Organic Natural Cane Alcohol. Extractohol has almost zero displacement when poured over herbs because of its purity. It’s excellent for herbal oils, tinctures, perfumes, aromatherapy oils, and culinary extracts. Enjoy natural, healthier extracts with Extractohol!



Tesla Scientific.
3260 N. Hayden RD.
Suite 210.
Scottsdale, Arizona 85251

Telephone: 928 6055770

Website: Extractohol

Email: Extractohol@gmail.com

Thank you Extractohol for your support in our mission. We are truly grateful!

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420 Magazine®
Creating Cannabis Awareness Since 1993

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