420 Sponsor: World of Seeds


Please join us in thanking World of Seeds for renewing their sponsorship! They have been and continue to be a huge asset in helping us further our mission of spreading Cannabis Awareness to the world.

420 Magazine began life 23 years ago in an endeavor to end prohibition by creating a forum where appreciation and awareness of the Cannabis plant could flourish. We are not only the oldest Cannabis community website, we are also, thanks to our large and sophisticated membership, recognized as the gold standard for knowledge sharing. To continue offering this free service we rely on like-minded sponsors such as World of Seeds, to whom we are truly grateful. Please support our Mission by supporting them. Our sponsors make 420 Magazine possible.

banner world of seeds

World of Seeds
World of Seeds was founded to contribute to society by understanding the judicious use of cannabis as a medicine: emphasizing its use as antiemetic and analgesic in palliative medicine and its possible applications in the future as a powerful antioxidant and antispasmodic agent. Their aim is to reach as wide an audience as possible, both those who seek a solution to health problems and those who enjoy recreational use.

At World of Seeds you really will find a world of seeds, from some of the best breeders in the business. They are categorised not only by regular and auto, price and offer, awards and customer ratings, but also by speed to harvest, strength, effect and level of production. There’s a whole section too dedicated to specific medicinal strains. You’ll also find strains listed by taste – so if you love your liquorice, citrus or sweet fruit, woody or incense, then World of Seeds is the place to search. There are sales aplenty, free seeds of course with purchases and currently an amazing offer with huge discounts starting at, you guessed it, 4:20pm (GMT +2) every single day. Here you are sure to find not only those rightly favourite strains but also more exotic and obscure varieties for those who like to zag a little.

On top all this, there’s a great range of unique merchandise too and they accept major credit cards as well as Bitcoin. World of Seeds is a world to explore.


Website: World of Seeds

Telephone : +34 961 595 275

Email: info@worldofseeds.eu

Thank you World of Seeds for your support in our mission. We are truly grateful!