BurpLids: Cure Perfectly Every Time

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Please join us in welcoming our new sponsor, BurpLids, to our mission of spreading cannabis awareness to the world.

From BurpLids, a revolutionary new way to cure your greens perfectly every time!


Sick of unscrewing all those lids everyday?

Now there’s no more painstaking process burping your jars the old-fashioned way. Take your curing process to the next level and cure your buds with their innovative solution.

BurpLids’ embedded airlock valve technology allows you to extract the stale air out of your jars easily using the pump. No more unscrewing lids everyday. This genius new product eliminates the chances of mold and increases your chances for a fresh and successful cure.

For even more assurance, they include a free stale air extractor pump allowing you to create a vacuum seal inside the jar. This builds up negative pressure for you to burp fresh air into the jar.

With BurpLids, not only will you never need to open the lids again, but every step of the process is made easy with a date tracker incorporated inside the lid and an easy release tab design.

The convenience and practicality of this method is unmatched. There lids fit any brand of widemouthed jar and the easy releases tab prevents over-tightening. So for anyone interested in streamlining their curing process, there’s really no better choice on the market.

Right now, there’s a special introductory offer to get you started of four BurpLids and a free vacuum pump.

BurpLids range


22345 Wick Road
Michigan 48180 United States

Email: info@burplids.com

Website: BurpLids

For 420 Magazine to continue offering our free service we rely on like-minded sponsors such as BurpLids, to whom we are truly grateful. Please support our Mission by supporting them. Our sponsors make 420 Magazine possible.
