420 Sponsor of the Month: Vivosun

Vivosun-Home-Page Vivosun

We are pleased to announce that Vivosun are 420 Magazine’s Sponsor of the Month! They have been and continue to be a huge asset in helping us further our mission of spreading Cannabis Awareness to the world.

Founded in California, Vivosun is a leading-manufacturer of indoor horticultural equipment, supplying growers around the world with the highest quality equipment to start their own indoor gardens. 

With over 10 years of experience in the development and production of growing tools, Vivosun have established themselves as a trusted partner for every level of grower, through every step in the growing process.

Vivosun is designed for do-it-yourselfers who want to grow what they love. They want a high-quality experience that allows them to easily grow their own, regardless of their skill level. They believe that you and they can develop a better grow culture if you work together.

Whether you grow indoors or out, Vivosun provides everything you need to grow the highest quality plants.

Manage your plants and control all aspects of your grow with Vivosun’s highest quality equipment and tools including durable growing enclosures, brilliant full-spectrum lighting, climate control and testing tools, superior ventilation devices, innovative accessories and much more.

Over the years, an incredibly supportive community has grown up around Vivosun, helping them to understand growers’ needs and helping to improve their technology.

If you are new to growing, the range and amount of equipment required can be daunting. Fear not – they make it easy for you. Their complete growing kits, including tents, lights, ventilation and even grow bags, thermometers and protective glasses, have a kit for any sized space.

Vivosun truly live their mission – To empower growers of all kinds to grow what they love.


2775 E Philadelphia Street
Ontario, CA 91761

Telephone: +1 (888) 505-8486

Email: official@vivosun.com


For 420 Magazine to continue offering our free service we rely on like-minded sponsors such as Vivosun, to whom we are truly grateful. Please support our Mission by supporting them. Our sponsors make 420 Magazine possible.