420 Sponsor: GreenSafe

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Please join us in welcoming our new sponsor, GreenSafe, to our mission of spreading Cannabis awareness to the world.

GreenSafe products are an optimal blend of beneficial plant extracts that deliver yield and quality to all growers.

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All-natural nutrient enhancers and cleaners work seamlessly alongside current growing strategies to minimize resources expended while maximizing yield and quality outcome.

GreenSafe Solutions’ products can replace agrichemicals and cleaners to cut the risk of finished products contamination.

Their products are combinations of multiple beneficial processed plant, and oil seed extracts. They are formulated to deliver essential ingredients optimized for the phases of the growing cycle, and as an all-purpose cleaner.

Plant Amendment reduces surface tension and particle size by permitting improved absorption of moisture and nutrients by the plant. Costs of nutrients needed for optimum health, growth and yield are also reduced. Plant Amendment contains natural auxin, gibberellin and cytokinin plant hormones.

Foliar Spray is a fast-acting, and highly effective method of supplementing plant fertilization, especially for the supply of secondary nutrients. When nutrients are applied to the foliage plants exude more carbohydrates into the root zone, which in turn increases microbial activity in that zone, to increase nutrient uptake from the soil.

Cleaner is a top performer meeting clean-up needs between growing cycles, without the hazards and without the product contamination risks of harsh chemicals. It is composed of 99.9%+ processed plant chemicals. It contains no toxins, or cancer-causing ingredients. It is odor-free, and hypoallergenic. No protective equipment or clothing is required.

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Telephone: 804-220-5400

Email: GreenSafeGrower@gmail.com

Website: GreenSafe

For 420 Magazine to continue offering our free service we rely on like-minded sponsors such as GreenSafe, to whom we are truly grateful. Please support our Mission by supporting them. Our sponsors make 420 Magazine possible.

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