420 Sponsor: GrowItBest

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Please join us in thanking GrowItBest for renewing their sponsorship! They have been and continue to be a huge asset in helping us further our mission of spreading Cannabis Awareness to the world.

420 Magazine exists so that you can fully appreciate the cannabis plant and interact with thousands of like-minded individuals around the world, sharing and gaining knowledge with us in our endeavor to end prohibition. We would not be able to continue operating this complicated website without the gracious and continuous support of sponsors such as Grow It Best. We ask that you also help our mission by supporting the sponsors who make this possible.

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Grow It Best was founded in 2012 by two Humboldt County gardeners with over 20 years of combined experience. Their motto was give exceptional customer service and great deals to each customer and they’ll be much more likely to come back, and it’s worked. Grow It Best offers thousands of hydroponic gardening supplies just above the wholesale costs. As always, the is no sales tax, shipping is fast, discrete and free on orders over $2500!

Feel free to browse their huge inventory of nutrients and supplements from General Hydroponics, Roots Organics, Botanicare, Humboldt County’s Own, Humboldt Nutrients, Fox Farm, BioAg, General Organics, Nectar for the Gods, and many more.

They also carry tons of indoor gardening equipment including reflectors, fluorescent lights, Metal Halide and HPS bulbs, LED fixtures, inline and oscillating fans, carbon filters, smart pots, containers, jars, titan controllers, co2 regulators, magnetic and digital ballasts, hydroponic pumps, tubing, rockwool, coco, soil, perlite, and TONS more!


Contact GrowItBest

Green Solutions Garden Supply Inc
GrowItBest .com

628 SW Glacier Suite C
Redmond, OR 97756

Tel: (541) 550-3100

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