TX: CBD Oil Available In New Braunfels

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The growing popularity in CBD products for pain relief is gaining a surge of people who are opting out from using prescription drugs, and instead are going for an organic approach in health wellness.

Go Green Botanicals just opened a health and wellness facility in New Braunfels and so far store co-owner Maurice Salazar said they’ve been helping military veterans cope with PTSD and customers who suffer from chronic pain.

“I’m riddled with arthritis to include my neck I’ve had surgery on my neck I have arthritis all of my joints basically,” said Chet Crump.

Crump is a military veteran who has been riddled with pain since the 1970’s. He suffers from joint pain and PTSD and says for years doctors have prescribed him addictive medications.

“Some pretty heavy stuff. I’ve taken Vicodin and morphine,” said Crump.

Crump said he’s now opted out of using those pain meds to using CBD oil instead and said the decision has been life changing.

“I’m standing there and I said ‘oh my god I don’t have any pain it went.. it’s gone!’ So I was amazed totally,” said Crump.

CBD oil derives from the hemp plant. Unlike medical marijuana products, which are usually made from plants with concentrations of THC.

Salazar said there have been a growing number of misconceptions that surround CBD oil. He said even though CBD is a compound found in marijuana it does not get you ‘high’.

“CBD oil does not have an intoxication aspect to it at all THC does they are both extracts but they’re different it’s black and white,” said Salazar.

Salazar said the oil has a wide range of health benefits. “Helps with anxiety and depression.  We see a lot of hero’s come back from the war using CBD oil. We see parents asking about things for their kids who have anxiety issues.”

The store also carries other CBD products like bath oils and lotions

“I think this resource is something we need to tap into in order to help our community and society and help ourselves,” said Salazar.

A grand opening event will take place April 20 from 4-8 p.m. at the business, located at 2090 N. I-35, New Braunfels.