SC: Former U.S. Attorney Calls For Referendum On Medical Marijuana

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Former U.S. attorney for South Carolina Bill Nettles is calling for a public referendum on medical marijuana.

Nettles, a Barack Obama appointee who served as U.S. attorney in the Palmetto State from 2010 to 2016, sent letters to S.C. Republican Party Chairman Drew McKissick and S.C. Democratic Party Chairman Trav Robertson this week calling on both parties to include an advisory referendum on the use of medical marijuana in South Carolina on their primary ballot this June, he said in a news release

Nettles heads Palmetto Medical Cannabis LLC, a group advocating for the legalization of medical cannabis in South Carolina.

“I think it is important that our state Democratic and Republican parties allow primary voters to be heard on the important issue of legalization of medical marijuana for seriously ill patients in our state,” he said.

Nettles cited polling data showing 78 percent of South Carolinians support the legalized use of marijuana.

A bill sponsored by state Sen. Tom Davis, R-Beaufort, and state Sen. Brad Hutto, D-Orangeburg, passed a key committee last week. However, it’s likely too late for the bill to pass this legislative session.

A House bill is still stuck in committee.

However, advocates say that support for medical marijuana is building, particularly as an alternative to dangerous and addictive opioid pain killers.