UK: Rugby Star Tom Youngs’ Wife Claims Cannabis Oil And Changes To Her Diet Made Terminal Cancer ‘Disappear’

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The wife of England rugby star Tom Youngs says her terminal cancer has “gone” after a year of alternative treatment.

Tiffany Youngs adopted a radical new regime which included taking cannabis oil and starving herself for 17 hours a day.

The 32-year-old was told last year her illness was “incurable” and she could die within a month.

Following the devastating diagnosis Tom’s brother Ben pulled out of the British and Irish Lions’ tour of New Zealand.

Tiffany was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 2014 after developing a cough that wouldn’t go  away.

Last year she was given a month to live forcing her to tell her daughter Maisie she was going to die.

She told Sky News: “I felt guilty and a burden to everybody, I didn’t want anyone to have anything to do”.

After grueling stem cell treatment she focused on alternative options believing she was about to die and asking husband, England and Leicester hooker Tom to be “open minded”.

She only ate fish, took cannabis oil and cut milk, red meat, sugar and caffeine out of her diet while starving herself between 7pm and midday.

Tiffany also used an ENS cosmodic machine treatment, which uses metal prongs to send electric pulses into the body in the hope it will stimulate cells.

She says she felt so good she would wake up and think: ‘I don’t think I’ve got it anymore’.

After catching a cold in February and heading to hospital she had a scan where her consultant confirmed she was in remission.

She said: “I was on my own – my mum, Tom and my daughter had gone out to get some food – so I called Tom and I told him to put me on loudspeaker.

‘I shouted: ‘It’s gone!’ I rang my dad, he was very emotional, he dropped the phone I think. From being told you are going to die, to then finding out you’re not, it’s incredible”.

Mrs Youngs has credited her new lifestyle and setting “goals” for fighting off cancer.

But spokeswoman Julia Frater, from Cancer Research UK, has previously said: “We don’t advise patients use any alternative therapies to treat cancer.

“Standard medical treatments for cancer are all evidence-based so have been tested to see how safe and effective they are.

“Some “natural” remedies can interfere with medical treatment so it’s really important that patients speak to their doctor before making any decisions.”