FL: First Medical Marijuana Dispensary In Miami Beach Set To Open

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

The first medical marijuana dispensary is coming to Miami Bach.

The company is called Surterra Wellness and they’re planning to open a dispensary on Monday in South Beach.

Final approval from the City of Miami Beach came on on Friday, April 20th.

However, a delay caused the Surterra Wellness Center on Miami Beach to delay its opening to Monday, April 23rd.

The dispensary is located at 1523 Alton Road in Miami Beach, with doors expected to open at 3 p.m.

“I think it’s exciting,” said Tim Fountain. “I don’t smoke pot myself but I think we should have the right to do it.”

Some on Miami Beach don’t think it’s a big deal.

“You know you can find weed right there and right there and right there so it’s not going to change anything,” said Mario, a local man who did not give his last name.

At first, the city of Miami Beach was hoping to limit the number of dispensaries to three, but all that changed once new legislation passed in June, which prevented governments from placing more regulations on dispensaries than pharmacies.

“A lot of people are going to be using it, definitely so, and the location is great it’s right by Lincoln road,” said another local, Molly Scawarzenegger.

While some think it’s a great idea, others just aren’t for it.

“As long as it’s legal, I don’t have necessarily a big problem with it,” said Bryan Thompson. “But just marijuana as a recreational thing, I’m not really for that at the moment.”

Now in addition to selling vape kits, oils, patches and lotions the shop will also educate anyone interested in learning more about marijuana treatment.