CO: Bill That Would Allow School Nurses To Administer Marijuana Passes House Committee

Photo Credit: Reuters

Colorado lawmakers in a House committee passed a bill on Thursday that would allow school nurses to administer medical marijuana to students.

The vote was 9-4. Quintin’s Bill now moves to the full House for debate.

It would amend an existing law that already allows students to use medical marijuana at school.

The amendment would allow school nurses to possess and administer medical marijuana to students who have a prescription from a doctor.

The bill is named after Quintin Lovato, who testified along with his mother Hannah at Thursday night’s hearing.

Quintin receives three doses of medical marijuana a day to treat his epilepsy and tourettes.

Hannah Lovato said it is difficult for Quintin to receive three doses a day because she and her husband to leave work to administer the drug to him at school.

Quintin added that when his mom comes to school to give him the dose, other students ask him about his prescription.

Quintin said fewer people will ask him about it if he’s able to discreetly receive treatment from the school nurse.