Cannabis Could Help Cure Eczema By Controlling Bacteria That Causes Skin Condition

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Cannabis might be able to solve some eczema problems as research indicates it could take away the itch that comes with the skin condition.

The research comes from the National Eczema Association (NEA).

Dermatologists in the US have also produced research supporting the method.

The findings show that cannabinoids have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory purposes, which bind to receptors in the skin when you apply a topical lotion, and can reduce itching and redness.

It can also help to control the bacteria that causes the itchy skin condition.

Dermatologists say it’s a good alternative for treating atopic dermatitis (AD), which is the most common type of eczema.

There’s no point in kicking back and rolling up a big, fat Camberwell Carrot as smoking won’t have any effect on your eczema, it has to be applied as a lotion.

University of Colorado scientists have also begun trials on a compound in the drug to determine if it can combat common skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

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They believe CBD – which doesn’t cause a ‘high’ – could offer hope for millions of eczema and psoriasis sufferers.

The anti-inflammatory compound, known officially as cannabidiol, is already backed for its plethora of benefits by the World Health Organization.

Global health chiefs gave it a clean bill of health in a report published in December and declared it had no adverse outcomes.

High street chain Holland & Barrett already stocks an oil form of the compound, which is legal to buy in the UK.

Cannabis, however, remains illegal.

Dr Robert Dellavalle told InsideScience: “There’s a large segment of the population that doesn’t like using steroids, even if they are topical steroids on their skin. “This [CBD] would be an alternative, natural product for them to try.”

Eczema affects six million people in the UK while around 650,000 have psoriasis.