Brain-Damaged Niece Of Aston Villa Star ‘Saved’ By Cannabis Oil


Jayla Agbonlahor, 6, is the UK’s youngest approved user of Class B drugs. She takes cannabis oil to manage her seizures after developing a mystery illness just days after her first birthday. Her life became extremely difficult, as she was unable to walk, talk, eat or drink. But her parents say she has now recovered to a ‘miraculous’ extent, and now smiles while watching cartoons while she hasn’t had a seizure in months. They credit her recovery to cannabis oil, which they had to obtain on the black market at first because it is rarely prescribed in the UK. Louise Bostock, 33, even faced having her daughter taken from her after she admitted to nurses she had been buying it illegally.

But she and Jayla’s dad Charisma Agbonlahor – brother of Aston Villa star Gabby – have now been given clearance to give their daughter the drug, although they have to import it themselves from Holland. Louise, from Erdington, says she has no regrets about breaking the law as she will do whatever it takes to ease the suffering of her child – who doctors believed would live no longer than four years.

She wants cannabis oil to be made available for those children who, like her own daughter, struggle through prolonged pain. At present, a cannabis-based medicine is available to those suffering multiple sclerosis, but not on prescription. Louise told the Sunday Mercury: ‘Jayla has been allowed to use it, so why haven’t others been allowed to use it? This has to happen. ‘She is my child, she is unique and I will do whatever I can to save her life.’

Louise explained: ‘When Jayla was born there was nothing wrong with her. ‘But then, just days after her first birthday, she stopped breathing and kept going blue. She was rushed to hospital where she remained for five months. ‘At first they thought it was epilepsy. But eventually they couldn’t diagnose her and I was told that she wasn’t expected to survive. ‘Meanwhile, I was pregnant with our son Junior and when Jayla was on her death bed, I went into labour.’ Nothing seemed to help Jayla and Louise was getting desperate. ‘Medication didn’t work and so I want to take her to be blessed in the Holy water of Lourdes and to bathe her in the healing lakes.’ Doctors at Birmingham Children’s Hospital revealed Jayla, then four, was resistant to conventional medication.

In desperation, Louise found some articles proclaiming the alleged medicinal benefits of cannabis oil. Louise was given clearance to use the drug in 2015 after being called to a ‘safeguarding meeting’, yet obtaining the oil – administered through Jayla’s stomach or rubbed on her gums – remains something of a covert operation. She still cannot obtain it through prescription and purchases cannabis packages from Holland. An £80 order will last one month.

‘Jayla used to be hospitalised every three or four weeks with seizures. Now she can go months without one,’ adds Louise. ‘She is smiling and happy and has so much more life. She used to be comatose and slept all day. ‘But she has started to eat properly and now watches TV with a smile on her face. I heard her laugh out loud for the first time – can you imagine? ‘I believe it has saved her life, so it is a good thing. That is why it needs to happen with other children.’

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Full Article: Brain-damaged niece of Aston Villa star ‘saved’ by cannabis oil | Metro News
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