Analyzing The Use Of CBD Oil As Potential Cancer Treatment


With an estimated 1,685,210 new cases of cancer being diagnosed in 2016 in the United States and 595,690 dying of the disease, the burden that cancer causes is not to be understated. This also includes a potential $156 billion in costs by 2020 for cancer care. With such a large medical threat, there are medical procedures in place to try and combat cancer spread, but success is not guaranteed.

In addition, certain lifestyle changes relate to lower incidences of cancer; again, these are not guaranteed. With this said, a variety of different alternative treatments have come to the fore, and one is CBD oil. While among the more unconventional (and infamous) options on the table, CBD oil has some scientific backing. Is it a possible cancer treatment option? Figuring this out requires looking at the facts.

What Is CBD Oil?

The first thing we need to do is clear up the misconception that CBD oil is another means to get “high.” The cannabis plant has many potential medicinal uses, but our focus today is mainly on the chemical cannabidiol, one of several chemicals found in the plant. Among these is THC, which provides us with the sensations we normally associate with marijuana.

Once cannabidiol is separated from the marijuana plant, the exact form it takes depends on your treatment (we’ll mention CBD oil’s various uses later). Some of these include the traditional oral capsules you would expect, as well as sprays and even topical applications. Your doctor will guide you to the best delivery system available.

CBD As A Cancer Treatment

This section needs to be prefaced with the fact that the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) lists marijuana as a Schedule I controlled substance. This means that they cannot legally be prescribed, possessed, or sold under federal law. It is state laws that allow the use of medical marijuana (more on this later).

There are two notable exceptions, and interestingly enough, they both apply to cancer treatment. The only two marijuana derivatives covered by the FDA are the cannabinoids, dronabinol and nabilone. Their specific use is in the treatment of nausea and vomiting accompanying chemotherapy. They generally serve as an alternate when other treatments fail.

But where does CBD oil fall in this? Research is still in the early stages, and legal issues are slowing things up a bit. The good news is that the results so far so promise. Of particular interest is the fact that CBD has been shown to moderate inflammation and change how cells reproduce, something useful when it comes to cancer treatment. Another thing to note is that CBD oil has also been studied for a variety of other benefits. These range from epilepsy support to pain relief to even anti-acne property. Time may have yet to tell its true potential.

Is CBD Oil A Fit For Me?

Currently, 30 states, including the District of Columbia, allow for medical marijuana. However, each state’s laws are different. Some states outside of this 30-limit usage to CBD oil specifically, and laws are ever-shifting regarding what is legal and what isn’t. The best thing that you can do is keep informed on laws if they come into practice. This means keeping track of medicinal marijuana laws online and with a medical professional’s help. Most people will require one to sign off in order to use CBD oil or other medicinal marijuana.

This same level of focus should be applied to choosing where you buy your CBD oil from. Luckily, there are several online resources to help guide your search. Here is a list of dispensaries that sell CBD Oil in Seattle, for example. Your options will change by state, county, and city, but always be sure to look out for quality. A lack of FDA regulation means there is potential for unscrupulous individuals to take advantage of the wave of interest.

Should you live in a state where CBD oil is legal and be looking for an alternative cancer treatment, it may be a viable option. It bears repeating that CBD oil cannot be said to cure or prevent any disease, but scientific results show potential applications in cancer treatment, as well as other health conditions. What this means is that if you want to use it, you need to be vigilant. Get the advice of a medical professional on dosage and other important info. Do your research before choosing where you will buy your oil from. If you keep all these factors in mind, CBD oil could prove to be the vital tool you need.

News Moderator: Ron Strider 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Making Use Of CBD Oil
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