Snoop Dogg Remembers Tupac Bringing Madonna, Weed To ‘SNL’

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Tupac Shakur once brought a bagful of weed to Snoop Dogg backstage at Saturday Night Live. Snoop Dogg spoke about the meet-up – which also included Madonna, who dated Shakur during the Nineties – for the first time during an interview with Howard Stern on Tuesday.

Snoop Dogg appeared as a solo musical guest twice on Saturday Night Live during the 1990s. The first of those visits took place in 1994; coincidentally, Shakur was also in New York City at the time. “He was like, ‘what’s up, where ya at?'” Snoop Dogg recalled. “I was like, ‘I’m at Saturday Night Love. I ain’t got no dope.’ That’s when it was hard getting weed over here [on the East Coast]”

Without hesitation, Shakur agreed to come to his friend’s rescue. “He was like, ‘Don’t worry about a motherf*ckin’ thing, I’m comin’ to Saturday Night Live, I’ll be there in a minute,'” Snoop Dogg remembered.

Shakur arrived soon after his call with a “big bag” of weed. “Guess who he pulls up with?” Snoop Dogg added. To give Stern a clue, the rapper started to sing Madonna’s hit “Like a Virgin.” By bringing Madonna, Snoop Dogg said, Shakur was “showin’ me that he was elevated in the game.”

After hearing this story, Stern replied in his typically gutter-mouthed fashion. “Bringing you weed [when you’re] taking him away from f*cking Madonna … I don’t know that I would do that for anybody,” Stern said.

Snoop Dogg was visiting Stern’s show in part to promote his new gospel LP, Bible of Love. The album debuted at Number One on the Gospel Albums chart.