‘Rain Of Cannabis’: Drone Drops Packets Of Weed Across Tel Aviv

Photo: Shutterstock

Drone belonging to a group advocating for the legalisation of marijuana dropped hundreds of bags of cannabis across Tel Aviv.

In an unusual incident, residents of Israel’s Tel Aviv claimed it was raining weed after a huge load of an illegal consignment was dropped on the city by drones. Scores of small packets containing what is suspected to be cannabis was dropped over the city’s iconic Rabin Square, leaving many confused. Onlookers were left in a frenzy once they realised what was inside.

In a statement, the Israel Police said they suspected the pouches were filled with “a dangerous drug” and that officers managed to recover dozens of them. Photos distributed by the police showed it filled with what looked like marijuana.

According to Jerusalem Post, the bags were dropped by the “green drone” Telegram group, which advocates for legalisation of cannabis in the country, with “free love” being the group’s slogan. The group told followers on Telegram this was just the start of an ongoing “rain of cannabis”.

“It’s time my dear brothers. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s the green drone, handing out free cannabis from the sky… Enjoy my beloved brothers, this is your pilot brother, making sure we all get some free love,” they said in their message.

Police identified two suspects who have been arrested for the dozens of bags strewn throughout the area. An investigation is underway, according to Times of Israel.

“The distribution of a suspected narcotic substance is considered as trafficking a dangerous drug in all respects and the arrested suspects will be investigated accordingly,” a police spokesperson said.

Marijuana possession is currently partially decriminalised in Israel in the case of small amounts, but distribution remains a criminal offense. According to news agency Reuters, medical use of cannabis is permitted in Israel while recreational use is illegal but largely decriminalised.