NY: State Democrats Plan To Endorse Marijuana Legalization

Photo Credit: Associated Press

New York Democrats are going to pot!

The state Democratic Party plans to pass a resolution at its convention next week to endorse the legalization of marijuana, according to a draft document obtained by The Post.

The planning document for the May 23-24 meeting said the party wants to make a big splash with the pro-weed announcement.

“WANT TO HIGHLIGHT THIS,” the document added.

The move by party officials comes just weeks after actress Cynthia Nixon — the primary challenger to Gov. Cuomo — endorsed legalizing weed.

Nixon said marijuana arrests disproportionately impact minorities and sparked controversy by saying in a Forbes interview that “people of color” must get first dibs at licenses for selling cannabis as a “form of reparations.”

Until last year, Cuomo opposed legalization, calling marijuana a “gateway drug.”

But he softened his stand and called for the study of legalization in January after Massachusetts voters approved recreational pot and incoming New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy campaigned on making pot legal in his state.

The report is expected to be released soon.

“Cuomo is OK with it if it’s the party agenda for approval,” a Democratic Party insider said.

Cuomo is the de facto head of the Democratic Party.

But the planning document also said party leaders intend to “table” other controversial measures, which won’t please the Bernie Sanders-Cynthia Nixon wing of the party.

One proposal expected to be shelved would have allowed “unaffiliated” independent voters to vote in Democratic primaries.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, many independent Sanders supporters who hadn’t enrolled as Democrats realized they couldn’t vote for him in New York’s Democratic primary.