NJ: Anticipating Statewide Marijuana Legalization, Weehawken Amends Local Zoning Laws

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Weehawken Mayor Richard Turner informed residents that the local zoning board has amended their laws, banning the commercial sale, growth, distribution and use of marijuana in retail/commercial establishments in a letter sent out this week.

“This amendment bans the commercial sale, growth, distribution, and use of marijuana in retail/commercial establishments ONLY. The township has not banned nor would it ban the personal use of prescribed medical marijuana or any personal use that may be passed through subsequent State legislation,” Turner wrote in a letter dated Wednesday.

The longtime mayor further stated that due to the township’s close proximity to New York City, many in the marijuana industry have inquired about both sales and converted storefronts and/or property into marijuana dispensaries.

In January, Gov. Phil Murphy (D) signed an executive order calling for a 60-day review of the Garden State’s medical marijuana program.

On the campaign trail, Murphy called for legalizing marijuana for recreational use to bring much needed added revenue into the state, but that effort appears to be stalled as both Democratic and Republican lawmakers remain unconvinced this is the right move to make.

“The applicant must show to the highest standard that the proposed use will not result in substantial detriment to any neighborhood or the Township as a whole. It is the best way to protect our neighborhoods from any potential intrusive activity.”

Last month, Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop took a nearly identical stance on the subject at a Ward F community meeting, a stance he later explained in further detail on our live show.

One week prior to Fulop’s Ward F community evening, the New Jersey Legislative Black Caucus hosted a hearing in Jersey City to weigh the pros and cons of marijuana legalization.