Canada: NSLC Launches Website Detailing Cannabis Sales

Photo Credit: Thinkstock

The crown corporation that will be responsible for retailing legal cannabis in Nova Scotia has launched its digital marijuana marketplace.

The new section of the NSLC’s website provides a better idea of how Nova Scotians can expect to receive their cannabis from its online service.

For instance, the delivery agent will require valid identification at the door to confirm the recipient is of legal age.

No other information was available on how the online retail space might work, but the website does provide answers to other frequently asked questions.

According to their website, the NSLC is still operating on the assumption that retail cannabis will be legalized by the federal government this summer.

The NSLC has previously announced the nine locations that will retail marijuana but have yet to commit to opening any additional outlets.

The only standalone store will be on Clyde Street in Halifax, N.S. All of the other locations will have a “store within [a] store” that sells cannabis.

The Crown corporation says there are no plans to provide medicinal marijuana at its stores.

The NSLC says they’re still in the early planning stages but that any updates will be posted on their website as details are finalized.