30 Arrested At ‘Pop Up’ Marijuana Event In Northeast DC

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D.C. police announced they made a series of arrests at a “marijuana pop-up event” in Northeast D.C. on Saturday night.

Officers arrested 30 people, seized pounds of marijuana and THC from 28 vendors and more than $10,000 at the event, police said in a statement.

Three firearms were also recovered.

It is legal to possess two ounces or less of marijuana in D.C. if you’re at least 21-years-old, according to the District’s website.

It is also legal to transfer one ounce or less of marijuana to someone who is at least 21 as long as there is no payment or any other type of exchange of goods and services.

Selling pot is still illegal as is smoking, eating, or drinking it anywhere in public.

Recently, police have been cracking down on “giveaway” events where vendors sell customers a small item, like a sticker, and then “give” customers marijuana as a free gift.

A police spokesman said the arrests were made while police were executing a search warrant and while it is not known if the vendors knew what they were doing was legal or the legality of their products, it is up to the vendors to know if the products being sold are legal.