Sensual Chocolate

Photo Credit: MagicalButter

Sensual Chocolate

Skill Level: Medium
Prep Time: 5-7 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Chill Time: N/A
Serving Size: 1½ ounces/40 g
Yield: N/A


• ¼ cup/60 ml maximally potent MagicalButter Coconut Oil or raw organic cacao butter
• 1 pound/450 g high-quality dark chocolate (minimum 60% cacao)
• 1 tablespoon/15 ml lecithin
• 1 tablespoon/15 ml superfine sugar
• 1 teaspoon/5 ml Mexican vanilla paste or extract (or the flesh of a fresh vanilla bean)
• 1 teaspoon/5 ml dark cocoa powder

How To

1. In a double boiler, whisk together the MagicalButter Coconut Oil or cacao butter, vanilla, sugar, lecithin, and cocoa powder until the sugar completely dissolves.
2. Slowly add the dark chocolate, and gently stir until it has completely melted and has a silky shine.
3. Pour the chocolate into your molds, and refrigerate them for 15-20 minutes.
4. Pop your Sensual Chocolate out of the molds, serve, and enjoy! POW! You’re done! Easy Breezy and Feeling Delicious!