Aeroponic clone bucket? picture


New Member
I have a mother plant that was just to tall so i took cuttings from the tallest branches then cut off the branch. i put them in this clone bucket i bought and i am wondering if they will clone since they are not from the bottom. some of them look bad already will they recover. its been 3 days. thanks for any help



Re: aroponic clone bucket? picture

wish i could help u but i dont know much ether. I would say it looks over watered but i see you arnt using soil. anyway dont take my advice.
Re: aroponic clone bucket? picture

i really wish someone would reply to my post. its now like 5 days since took the cuttings and it looks likei have a forrest of dead trees!! Was i wrong to try and take them from the top branches? Is the clonebucket not worth the time? any advice would be apprecated

Re: aroponic clone bucket? picture

yes thay will gilly:slide::slide:but some wont make it :sorry::sorry: you win some you lose some thats the way it go's good luck bro.:passitleft:
Re: aroponic clone bucket? picture

i am not sure Racefan but i followed the instructions that came with the bucket. they sent me small bags of nutes and instructed me to use 1/4 of each bag in the reservoir. also i use the cloning solution they gave me to dip my stems in. heres a pic. and is it ok to take cuttings from the very tip top of the plant?
Re: aroponic clone bucket? picture

i cant get this thing to work the only thing i can think of is that the water is to hot. i wish one of the experts out there would tell me how to make this work and if i can take clones from the top branches cuz i have taken about 40 so far and every one of them died
Re: aroponic clone bucket? picture

It could possibly be your res water temp. Do you know what temperature its averaging at now?
They like cool nutes.
Think of it this way. Every kind of plant that comes from the ground gets its water and nutes from below the surface. Go outside, dig a 1ft deep hole and see how cool it is underground and you'll see what I mean. Lights directly over your res, especially a white bucket, will heat up the contents from the lights.
Try a cheap chiller like the one in my sig or try swapping out frozen bottles of water in your bucket to keep the water at a nice very cool level.
Re: aroponic clone bucket? picture

I keep my res water for my clones in the low 70's I aim for 72. I use clonex solution and keep my PH at around 5.8. I am close to a 100% success rate.... You have to remember that some strains are much harder then others to clones...
Go back and look at some of our threads on cloning. Can you get a pic of the underside of the cuttings? lets have a look at the bottom of the stem.:ganjamon:
Re: aroponic clone bucket? picture

i had a pic of the steems but i erased it but i can tell you they look slimey and gray. also a couple started growing roots but then died of the gray slime. i tried three times since then and everytime the failed to grow roots.
Re: aroponic clone bucket? picture

i also used clonex and keeped my ph around the same as yours but the temp was arpount 80. ia m going to try the getto chiller thanks guys
Re: aroponic clone bucket? picture

branches towards the bottom of the plant root better than ones towards the top.They are closer to the roots and hold more nutes that are being sucked up:yummy:
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