Blue Cheese Feminised - Male Preflowers?


New Member
Wondering how it's possible for femnised seeds to be showing male preflowers at 1 month old and on an 18/6 light cycle.

Here is my grow thread:
Growheart's Gals - Blue Cheese, K-Train - CFL Soil 2nd Grow

And some pics of what I am pretty convinced are male preflowers:




:thankyou: for any advice on what I may have done wrong, or if feminised seeds are just bunk in general ???
sweet this could be good you can pollinate some ladys I'd like some on my nycd (nyc blue cheese diesel)sounds bomb diggidy dont it. how far are lights from the plants cfls have to be close to work well. I heard light color more red female and more blue more males? I think I read this in George Cervantes Bible. hermies happen good luck on what you decide.
hermies happen good luck on what you decide.

I don't think that's a hermaphrodite. I looked at the picture and while I initially thought I saw the "fuzzy yarn look" of a female preflower or two, I looked closer and saw it lower on the stem too - so I think it's just a piece of fuzz.

I'm guessing that's an honest male.

Pull it if you don't want lots and lots of seeds. From the looks of the picture, pull it yesterday (and carefully). Even if you want seeds, pull it and collect the pollen & stick it in cold storage. Plants that get their flowers fertilized (pollinated) early don't produce as much - their purpose in life has already been accomplished.
I heard light color more red female and more blue more males? I think I read this in George Cervantes Bible.
Thats bullshit. Cervantes doesn't even grow weed. Never trust a man with fake dreads!

Go with what TS said. Those pics look as male as chuck noris.
Thats bullshit. Cervantes doesn't even grow weed. Never trust a man with fake dreads!

There might be something to that.

Whoops (lol) wrong quote.

I heard light color more red female and more blue more males?

There might be something to that.

Everyone talks about a 1:1 F:M ratio when in truth that's not a ratio that nature has much interest in. One bull can (and will) service a number of cows. And, as most of us who've grown a few times know, one male cannabis plant can "service" a number of female ones. If the wind is right(?lol?), even female plants that aren't all that close by.

Why do you think that male plants statistically tend to be taller than females?

The ratio is influenced somewhat by genetics and partly by environmental factors. Even when one "makes" feminized seeds, it's not a given - although it IS much more likely - that 100 seeds will produce 100 females. If a breeder states that he/she guarantees 100% females, it is not that you'll NEVER statistically get a single male, but simply that the odds are weighted so much in favor of females that you probably won't and that the breeder will presumably replace any that turn out to be male.

Males tend to show sex first... to start producing viable pollen early. And they also tend to continue producing pollen. A female that is pollinated early often doesn't produce as much bud as one that isn't pollinated or that is pollinated late. Which makes perfect sense if you think about the purpose of an organism in general and female cannabis flowers (which make up the buds) in particular.

A female plant that is pollinated and produces seed is generally not going to turn hermaphrodite; one that is not pollinated will often do so if it is allowed to flower long enough.

Some things may influence the ratio to one degree or another: Light spectrum, temperature (both the actual temperature and the relationship between day and night temperatures), amount of nitrogen & potassium (and the ratio of same)that a plant receives, and humidity. There may be others. Unfortunately I'm working from memory these days and not able to reference records that I once kept (allow a spouse to persuade you to change your hobbies if you like, but never allow said spouse's arguments to convince you to toss your records/documentation - especially if in the back of your mind you suspect the relationship may be somewhat temporary).

Years ago Dutch Passion put out an article about much of this. If you can find a copy of this it might be helpful. Much of this influence happens early on - from germination through the first three or four weeks of life. I have been told and would tend to - tentatively - agree that the most important time is around the third to fourth week in growth.

A person should be able to get higher than 50% females from a random sampling of cannabis seeds. Probably closer to 70%-80%. That does, of course, depend on the person being able to control the plants' environment (which is not always possible).

I've read that cannabis that is WELL pollinated tends to produce seeds that, statistically, has a higher F:M ratio than that which is produced by cannabis which is sparsely pollinated. Not really sure on this one as I always tried to keep the pollination to a minimum even when I was wanting seeds. But it seems to have been researched.

I guess this is all off-topic. <SHRUGS> I'll post it anyway, lol, because it may be of some interest.
TS, thank you for the informative post whatever level of on-topicness it may be - the part about the 3-4 weeks being critical kind of made me think about my grow environment at that time. I had added more light, in eagerness and hopes of getting bigger veg. The problem is, it was 2700k spectrum cfl, and I almost tripled the light essentially a few days to half a week after transplanting. I believe this definitely did not help, and possibly contributed to the male early flowering.

You were definitely correct in your urgency of pulling it yesterday, the pollen was flying around in all directions. I admit this was a huge bummer for me getting male plants so eager to flower under 18/6 light and veg nutes, and my enthusiasm towards the grow dropped as quick as my hopes of getting nice female buds and blue cheese / k train nugs. The garden has been neglected since this discovery and confirmation, until just recently as some new seeds have been added, and I managed to possibly salvage one Blue Cheese and one Ktrain (the late runt).

So anyways, the dudes were chopped, pollen collected (just put it in a glass jar have not chilled it yet).

A new update to my journal will commence once the grow room is set up a bit more properly, clones are taken, and the cycle is hopefully begun.

Thanks for the help and anwsers everyone.
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