Purple Cheese and Little Cheese


New Member
Here are a few picture of my Autoflowering Babies. Let me know what you think!

Purple Cheese:


Little Cheese:




Sweet ... they are awesome!!
Thanks everyone!

Yes they are 74 days old from seed today :)


May I ask what latitude you live in/by(?)?

Outdoor season is just aroud the corner in n-europe so all my southface windows are full of newly germinatet seeds who wants nothing else but be put in bigger containers and move out.
2´nd season outdoor AF growing for me, -thanks devoted crossbreeders who contrubuted to mankind with this autoflowering revlution! :peace:

Whish that atleast one of them will grow as fine as ours have done...
Wow 73 days from seed!? sick lookin girlz! I can't get my head around that. Thank you for posting i had no idea AF's could get to that height, might have to do a AF grow next year in my greenhouse. cheers
Wow, they look really great man. Were they grown entirely outdoor? I've been wanting to try an outdoor autoflower.. I've only done a few outdoor bagseeds that were OK, but never an autoflowering strain. I tried once indoor with a seed of Violator Kush, Feminized from Barney's Farm, but the seed did not sprout. Germinated fully and everything, just didn't happen. So, I've been curious with trying it again with more seeds for more hope of them actually growing lol.

First post but been lurkin' for years RoorRip
Hey Bandit, Nice lookin girls mate!:thumb: Bet you cant wait to see the lower branches build some big fat stink nuggets!! What does your soil consist of? If u dont mind me asking.. But its cool if its KFC's Secret recipe:) Keep up the good work and look forward to seeing her when she's ready to roll. Goodluk and Happy Harvesting;)
was wondering if u could tell me if she if she is a heavy feeding plant, average or a light feeder? i have just one seed so i am trying to ask those who have exp. w this strain to give me some info about her likes n dislikes. thanks in advance
Where did you get the Purple Cheese seeds? AWESOME GROW! Beautiful plants
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