I did this same thing my first outdoor grow. Neighbors and even the repairmen walked right by my plants without seeing them. What really did the trick was to train them, bend the main stem down to grow along the ground like a vine, winding the branches in between my other plants. My favorite I trained in a circle, so it looked like ground cover. The best were in large pots with other similar sized flowing plants, but the plant in the ground with other flowers did OK. The worst hiding place was in the corn. The corn dies off before the MJ is done! My tomatoes died, but I'd think that would be OK cover, especially inside tomato cages. My plant in the rose bush was seen, so I dug it up and moved it. For the plants in the ground, I simply buried the pots so I could easily dig them up and move them. This also helped keep the size of my plants down. It was my first grow, so they were not so healthy, but plenty enough of yield to last a year. I also spread my 5 plants out all over my yard so if one was spotted, the others weren't.
I only have two of my plant pics:
The plant in the corn didn't get much light and drew many caterpillars
Once the corn was harvested, no more hiding spot! I dug her up (in a pot) and moved her.
This was on my porch in plain sight. There are many varieties of Sage that mask the smell and provide cover. I used a low growing white flowering fern of some sort for another plant. I kept these small and low, less than 18" high, to blend in with sweet asylum and other plants with large white blooms.
Insect netting also helps cover plants in a pinch. You can use tomato cages and wrap the thin cotton they use to cover rows from frost around the cage. You can cover plants when guests will be around. Make your own with wire, cover them with climbers. Don't use morning glories. They attract cabbage loopers, leaf miners and mites more than any other flower I have! Rosemary blooms white and is a good cover for plants under 2 feet. Just train and trim your plants to not look like a pot plant, bonsai pot. I had two braided together and trained to a heart. Another trained along a grape vine. Most people are not very observant.
Hope that helps!