Strawberry Blue by World of Seeds Bank

World of Seeds, STRAWBERRY BLUE​
(YIELD 93 grams, Born 5/17, Photo 6/23, Flower 6/26, Harvest 9/2, 66 DAYS flower, transition was only 3 days)​


Some notes about my experience with Wold of Seeds, STRAWBERRY BLUE​

Product Information

Stabilised male hybrid: pollen obtained from genetically modified plants. The male is procured from a quantity of plants cultivated using mitotic inhibitors resulting in polysomic males with a multiplicity of diverse genes. These mutant hybrids were then selected and classified according to their properties to obtain genetics with the potential for further hybridisation.

Bank: World of Seeds Bank
Sex: Female: Pure Strawberry
Stabilised male hybrid: New Blue Line
Way of cropping: Outdoor/indoor
Genotype: 75% Sativa, 25% Indica

:volcano-smiley: burning a little of the subject matter....:volcano-smiley:

This is going to be another very positive review. The genetics for SB were purposefully mutated to create a polyploidal plant, a desirable trait. Polyploids have a bit of extra potential for yeild, potency, etc. I find it interesting and after growing and smoking her, I have some motivation to learn more. I'd love to cross StrawBlue with Panama, but I believe I'll end up with a triploid, instead of a tetraploid, but really - I'm not sure. Anyway, on with the show....and full disclosure - this is my experience with a singular genetic/pheno. YMMV.

SB was germed painlessly, and sprouted quickly. She was very vigorous in early Veg, needing very little maintenance, or nutes. Her early leafs were all well formed, and you could see the strength in it's growth habit, if not it's symmetry. This is to say that she was strong, but a bit off in how she built her branches, due to the extra chromosomes. The shoots did not always align in equal lengths and sizes, so she was a bit lumpy in her appearance. When accounting for how gorgeous the rest of her was, it was quickly overlooked. Her powerfully fruity aroma sure helped too.

Her vigor carried over into late Veg , and after the flip, she showed signs of flowering within 3 days, which is a land speed record here at the 'Stakers. She built double serrated leafs, they were amazing, a stunning resilient greenery. She built a glorious canopy of them. She stretched at a medium-to-high pace, but it was easily manageable. Once in Flower, she continued to be fairly carefree. I upped her supplements (FFOF soil, ammened) slowly after the transition, and she responded well. Her runoff was typically within 1/2 point of her inputs, so she was taking most of what I was putting down. I rolled her up to my standard peak feed level of 10ml/gal AN Sensi at the end of week three, with no issues or complaints.

After the stretch though, even if you were not aware of her PPMs, you knew this plant was motivated. She builds early and fast buds. They are wide based, and they start stacking almost immediately. They kept getting fat in a linear fashion, instead of a cyclic one, and without much pause till the chop. She finished out her flower, green and healthy, and was chopped after 66 days.

After drying some nugs out, they are vibrant, semi-dense, lime green, golden pistiled, resin factories of joy. While still young, they smell very strongly like Grape, Strawberries & a Spicy Currant. A super fruit salad of cannabis aromas. A peek under the microscope reveals salacious amounts of gooey resin glands, backed by vibrant shiny green plant matter. In the hand, they feel slightly fluffy. They are beautiful, really as good as anything I've grown yet. The best part of it all, was that they were very easy to get this way. Super easy to grow, and they yeild pretty well depsite the fluffyness. They smell (post cure) like a sugary strawberry floral pineyness. I really like this genetic. Let's smoke some.

Wow. Sugary koolaide sweetness, smooth as ice initially - but with a THC warmth as chaser. Then you get some Strawberry trails from the vapor. It's a light, smooth, very easy and enjoyable smoke. You can chew on the tastes in your mouth for a while, as the final strawberry notes vanish. That's about when your eyes squint, and your lungs start to hiccup -as they have some post exhale expansion. After a short minute or two - I feel like my whole existence is physically pushed further forward in space. It's like I'm now living right behind my eyeballs, where everything is more detailed, vivid, compelling, and focused. There is a slight bump in energy, but it's not a full rush. Very much an UP high, wiht a decent amount of head buzz. There is some indica in this plant from the blue line. This does add some body stone to it's later effects, and will add a bit of weight to the smoke so that it's not a morning strain for me. It is however, a great 4 o'clock strain, if you'd like to wind your day down in a fun, creative, or social way. Super dense and widely distributed resin glands. She also matured well, so that her glands had a better than average uniformity in their ripeness. She's up there with the strongest I've grown. The only downside is, that she does require you to smoke a bit more - if you want to offset the indica drag, with a bit of satia head rush. I put away a LOT of her last night. Woke up just fine and refreshed though. :)

Uses: I've found SB to be great for migraines, and just average for pain. She's significantly euphoric, and helpful against stress and anxiety. There is something about her that is sensuous, but she isn't the first one I'd grab, for cuddletime with MzStaker. Y*MV. :)

Overall, I'm really liking her on all fronts. She's easy, beautiful, productive, potent, & happy. Great plant, will grow again. I'm happy to help, if anyone has any questions. Peace, Love, and great green nugs!

Great review! Just bought some of these for my first grow and I can't wait to see how it turns out!

Thanks Sally! :welcome: TO :420:

She's a nice plant to learn on, as she's not finicky, or demanding. If you need any help, just post your questions in my ongoing thread, or below, and I'll do my best. People here will help you if you start your own 'first grow' journal - just an idea :)

wow. good job. i have one of these in flower. its only like over five weeks in. and it has blooms allready. not huge yet. this looks delish.

Thank you, CL! :thanks: ... feel free to post some pics, ask questions/tips, or add reviews here as well. Good luck!

Ahhh, the Blueberry is coming out now in the cure. Really nice taste right now. Was always a sweet smelling plant. Taste is pretty amazing, it's got some balance to it now. Not quite as fruity as Fruit Punch, but still prominent, balanced, smooth and delicious.
Grew one myself outdoor this year. I chopped her early cause had other plants to attend to, but buzz was definitely sativa-dominant and vibrant.
this would put my sb, due on jan 4. thanks. looks good. you know your stuff. wish i could yield. never been a yeilder. check out my photoes. thanks for the report.
This is a strawberry blue plant I have in my present grow. She's at day 67 since sprouting from seed and just over 2-1/2 weeks into flowering. It is a unique looking plant with very pronounced serrations along the broad leaf edges. I got the seed for this one as a freebie in my last order from Herbies. Looks promising with lots of bud sites and she's stayed compact with close node spacing.

This is a strawberry blue plant I have in my present grow. She's at day 67 since sprouting from seed and just over 2-1/2 weeks into flowering. It is a unique looking plant with very pronounced serrations along the broad leaf edges. I got the seed for this one as a freebie in my last order from Herbies. Looks promising with lots of bud sites and she's stayed compact with close node spacing.

The serrations are doubled up at most of her vanes, likely due to her mutant (polyploidal) powers.
She's looking great OldStoner!

It's great to hear of your impressions, and any updates you might have! Peace brother. :peace::Namaste:
My plant is at day 72. I let her veg for six weeks. And I was very light on the nutes because the last couple of grows I did I used exactly what the charts said but ended up with nute burn and damage all over the place. This last weekend was the first time I gave any of the plants in this grow a dose of nutes and that was only at 1/2 strength. I plan on going another 5-6 weeks for flowering and by then I hope those buds have thickened up immensely.
My plant is at day 72. I let her veg for six weeks. And I was very light on the nutes because the last couple of grows I did I used exactly what the charts said but ended up with nute burn and damage all over the place. This last weekend was the first time I gave any of the plants in this grow a dose of nutes and that was only at 1/2 strength. I plan on going another 5-6 weeks for flowering and by then I hope those buds have thickened up immensely.

The charts are typically much higher, than most people will ever feed, especially in soil. Timing is also big thing. Maybe ramp them up really slowly, but she should be able to take some nutes at this age. If they have any leaf curl or burn, revert to water for the next feed, then try again at the same dose. I try to hit peak feed (typically 3/4 strength) by week 4-5, and then roll off sharply. You may not want to get that high, depending on your media and the size of the plant. I typically have big plants in small pots, so you might not even go past 50% strength. Watch her, she'll tell you. PM me if you have any questions. Peace brother. :peace::Namaste:
I just noticed something about the photo of your Strawberry Blue plant in flowering. It appears you've cut all the big fan leaves off. I know some people do this and others say it's just butchering the plant. The buds on my SB plant are just beginning to swell and it's looking really good for yield. But mine still has all the original fan leaves with the exception of a few at the bottom which I cut off due to yellowing. I like to leave a plant natural but those fan leaves are no doubt blocking some of the lite the buds underneath could be using. But I will consider removing all the big fan leaves is it will increase the bud sizes and quality.
I just noticed something about the photo of your Strawberry Blue plant in flowering. It appears you've cut all the big fan leaves off. I know some people do this and others say it's just butchering the plant. The buds on my SB plant are just beginning to swell and it's looking really good for yield. But mine still has all the original fan leaves with the exception of a few at the bottom which I cut off due to yellowing. I like to leave a plant natural but those fan leaves are no doubt blocking some of the lite the buds underneath could be using. But I will consider removing all the big fan leaves is it will increase the bud sizes and quality.

She was stripped for harvest, just prior to that photo, here she is minutes before.


In the pic above, she's got most of her fans. She held her color, and she didn't fade quite as much as I like, but I'll take too green, over too yellow.

I find that a light to medium amount of defoliation works with how I like to grow them. If anything in my grow changed, I'd likely change up my defol techniques to match the change. There's no right answer, as it all depends on other parts of the system. I pull fans along the way, especially in Veg, and after the stretch at day 21 or thereabouts. The aim is to light up as much foliage as possible, with a preference to leafs attached to bud sites. If one huge upper fan is blocking all the leaves below, then I remove it.

For your SBlue - if that pic is most of her, I'd leaver her fans on - provided you have decent light. She looks healthy, and she's got an open structure already. Hope your slight yellowing clears up. If you let them almost completely dry out, between every watering, they will respond so much better to everything. She's going to need more P and K and less N at this point, and she will take some nutes if she's not overwatered or overferted. :peace::Namaste:
Thanks again for the advice. I just measured her and she's just shy of 28" from dirt to the top bud. Lots of foilage but I don't think I'll trim any unless they yellow. Yesterday she got about 1/2 gallon of water with 1/2 strength Fox Farm Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom plus a 1/2 pinch of Open Sesame. It's been 24 hours and I don't see any stress yet. What I found before was that it takes about 3 days to see if you f'ed up on the nutes. Midweek she'll get another 1/2 gallon of just water. Then another good feeding at the end of the week. I purposely left the Big Grow out of the mix this time. There's no doubt the abundance of N in Fox Farms Ocean Forest potting soil has made not just this one but all my plants a deep green. Only the slightest bit of yellowing and that was the lower leaves. I can start to see the buds getting frosty as well. She's hard to photograph just now because of the golden glow from two 600w HPS bulbs. It's looking promising. Now as the saying goes, "Don't f it up!".

OKAY! Found the time for one last shot in the lights before bed time tonight. Thar she blows...! Looks fine but, like my women, I wish she was taller.:blunt:
I've had nothing but problems with my Strawberry Blue, albeit a majority of which was my fault. She just hasn't been very forgiving with me, and now she's randomly flowering after only 3 weeks and on a 24/7 light schedule. Bummer.

Sorry to hear Sally. Just checking, but are you sure she's flowering, at three weeks... old? Many plants will start showing pistils 'preflowers', at the nodes, while still in Veg. That's normal. If they're budding, that's not. Feel free to post up a picture here. Hoping for the best Sally! :Namaste:
... and now she's randomly flowering after only 3 weeks and on a 24/7 light schedule. Bummer.

The first Strawberry Blue I tried, a freebie seed I got in my on-line order did the same thing. I can only assume it was an autoflowering strain. I'm not sure and didn't complain because it was a freebie. And at right about the 2-1/2 week mark in that grow she started flowering. And I mean really unmistakable pistils. It didn't yield much and was more trouble than it was worth. The quality of the smoke was not much to talk about either. I'm hoping this time I get more for my effort.

Now if an autoflowering plant is what you're after then just let her do her thing and try to finish her out.

BTW from the plant I have growing now and the one CareStaker posted proves the strain is available in non autoflowering. This plant did not flower until I put her in 12/12. I was kind of suspecting all along that this one would be female and I'm really glad for that. I won't to see some of those buds like CareStaker end up with.
That's pretty weird, as there are no Auto Strawberry Blue seeds in production. I don't know what it could be - but all that I can think of is.... wrong seeds, or the lighting period was off, or there's a pheno that does this as a matter of course - bad genetics. If she's already flowering, I'd change her timing to 12/12 so that she doesn't revert to Veg mode. I'd be interested in seeing some pics, if you have the ability to take and post them, but I understand if you cannot. OldStoners looks like what I would expect. :Namaste:
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