Flowering Jack Herer,is this normal?


New Member
This is a Jack Herer, day 37 of 56 day flower cycle,its my first grow.. its in a 7 gal nursery pot with mostly organic potting soil, some worm castings small amount of super soil (green avenger, produced flies, so did not use when repotting)used some GH 3 part + cal/mag during veg, all organic since flower, Bio Thrive bloom in tap water that has sat 48 hrs. first 4 weeks, started seeing yellowing about 3rd week of flower top dressed with worn castings about this time, day 33, 1/4 strength, aerated Indo bat guano, worm cast, molasses and a few drops of super thrive, tea, day 36 yesterday 1/2 strength of same tea ...this grows side by side with a sour diesel, and northern lights big bud, that show no yellowing, PH runoff was 6.5 yesterday plan 2 more full strength tea watering's then flush and only water until harvest, buds are firm and fat, I'm very happy,and hope its normal for this strain any help with is appreciated, PS plan on going 100% organic next grow



Thanks for bringing your problem to 420.

Your plant looks good, the yellowing of the leaves are normal for the plant as it continues toward the end of its flowering cycle. Like fall colors for an annual plant. It will utilize the energy stored in those leaves to aid the building of a large bud. The problem is, depending on what the chosen fertilizer for flower is, some plants can yellow much quicker than intended, before the actual fruit has a chance to finish. In this case, it looks like it is slowly starting to yellow as it finishes its life, as intended.

Nice flowers. :high-five:
Yes it is nbormal. During the veg phase your plants wont need so much nitrogen and this is their way of stopping leaf growth and indicating end of life is near. That is why they produce so many buds because they want to catch that male pollen. If they dont catch any they will produce mor and more flowers. It is normal and you arte doing great. Welcome to the forum. Click the rep star at the bottom left of the post if I have helped you. It is very much appreciated. Come to my journal if you have more questions I am happy to answer anything you have there.
haha we posted at the same time lester and said pretty much the same thing. So lets rep each other.
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