Cannabis yield records - Post your yield!


New Member
Ok 420 I wanted to make a thread wear every one could come and post there yeild. If for nothing else but for bragging right and to know the true potential of a strain.

Let's start with some guild lines.
Dry weight in grams
Days till harvest
Nutrients used/feeding regiment

And if you have and suggestions for others looking to grow your strain post that as well! And last but not least smoke report. :Namaste:

Post away ladies and gents!
Yea buddy we were discussing It in another thread and just wanted a place wear every one can come and find all the info on a grow and what the out come was so they have some thing to gauge there grow by . Hopefully help some growers out and have some sweet pics to check out as well!
I think we need some sort of standard formula to measure yield with.
I think, but don't know for sure, that the best way is by measuring grams per watt. Possibly grams per watt divided by time flowering. Hopefully someone else will clarify that. I've never been a yield junkie but I am interested in having an efficient grow.
Yes to all of it! Thanks for comeing over guys you guys are what's gonna make this thread great and yes a standard Measurement or some sorta matrix is def needed, post what you guys want to be required parameters wise if any or we can just wing it. As long as we get some sweet pictures of massive buds I will be happy.
Cool thread,, cheers:Namaste:

Pot size maybe? Us wee folk have wants and desires too,, i want,, and desire,, always,, no clue,, grams per watt sound like calculus,, ouch

Just fresh cut here but my best from a one gallon pot,,


I am thinking dry will be a bit over an ounce,, good for me so far,:cheertwo:,


And still two big buds on the mother plant,, pollinated buds,, waiting for,,,, the end,,
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